Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman

Ice Princess x Gluey 2

Summer 2024 Micro

She’s a Brothers Grimm tester seed prone to herm…wish me luck. I’m going to try a micro run in a 1 gal since she’s off to a late start for summer outdoors.

Ice Princess x Gluey 2

Day 57 (Week 9)


40 updates

45 photos

Day: 59

💦 gave her a bit of water but she’s still droopy🤷‍♂️. Super humid today so not going to push it

23 days ago

Day: 57


25 days ago

Day: 56

Little bit of 💦 today

a month ago

Day: 54

Hot sun

a month ago

Day: 53


a month ago

Day: 52

💦 watering day looking thirsty

a month ago

Day: 51


a month ago

Day: 50

Rainy day by the window

a month ago

Day: 49

💦 gave her some water today. Thought she was thirsty since the last update but she looks droopy so maybe I miscalculated.

a month ago

Day: 46


a month ago

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman Decided to give them some cold water. Hot as fuck out here

Day: 45


a month ago

Day: 44

💦 watering day ph 6.5

a month ago

Day: 43


a month ago

Day: 42


a month ago

Day: 40

💦 water ph 7 with DynoMyco Spark

a month ago

Day: 39


a month ago

Day: 38


a month ago

Day: 37

💦 some water around the edges of the pot. Doesn’t feel bone dry so didn’t want to over do it

a month ago

Day: 36

Grey day

a month ago

Day: 35

Growing…but beginning to wonder if she’s stunted…

2 months ago

Day: 33

Looks like we got some thrips action here

2 months ago

Day: 32

💦 gave a little water this am ph 6.5

2 months ago

Day: 31


2 months ago

Day: 30


2 months ago

Day: 27

💦 some more water. Not worrying too much about amounts just playing things by ear

2 months ago

Day: 26

Rainy day so staying indoors. I think she’ll die in a bucket full of rain at her size…

2 months ago


seriousjamie Word of advice. I ditched plastic containers (guilty of still processing them out for one gallon projects), and since going to fabric bags, never a situation where I have over watered. It’s like impossible. Plus the roots will air prune its fucking tits.

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman Yeah I’ve used fabric pots in the past. Currently trying out 3 gal aeropots but this is a 1 gal so back to plastic for the small late summer run

Day: 25

We’re growing now. Found a leaf miner (I think) making those white marks so I showed it the door between my fingers.

2 months ago

Day: 24

Coming along…

2 months ago

Day: 22

Finally seems to be moving along here…🐢

2 months ago

Day: 17

She’s the only one who’s root doesn’t look dried up but she’s also the furthest behind 🤷‍♂️

2 months ago

Day: 15


2 months ago

Day: 14

Battling the winds out here

2 months ago

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman 💦 gave them all about 100mL for their effort. They took a beating today

Day: 13

Enjoying the higher humidity near the ocean

2 months ago

Day: 10

💦 More water today ph 6.8

2 months ago

Day: 9

It’s time to test these testers. I’m sick of waiting on them to get going (despite it being my fault, but fuck it) so we’re braving the wild today. 87F in the shade. Let’s see what happens…

2 months ago

Day: 8

💦 60 mL ph 6.6 with DynoMyco Spark

2 months ago

Day: 7

Growing I guess

2 months ago

Day: 4

💦 10 mL around edge of previous watering ring

3 months ago

Day: 3


3 months ago

Day: 2

Moved her into dirt and gave her 💦 12mL ph 7 w Rapid Start. 1 gallon pot: 2 part ProMix HP 1 part extra Perlite 1 part EWC 2 tbsp DTE 4-4-4 1 tsp DTE Dolomite Lime 1 tsp DynoMyco

3 months ago