
ChemDawg Auto attempt #2

3rd Grow

Three ChemDawg Autos in FFOF+Perlite (starting in FFHF in solo cup for first 3 weeks mostly due to room constraint). Using SF1000 while in solo cup then they move to the bigger tent with the SF2000. I will be attempting to Top this grow as well. I know I’m breaking two rules of autos by transplanting and topping but I’m just wanting to experiment. I might only top one. Good luck to me.


Day 42 (Week 6)

4 updates

5 photos

Day: 42

Looking pretty good. Small nuts burn but nothing horrible

4 years ago

IG @stick_e_fingerz

IG @stick_e_fingerz I transplant and top all my autos bro you’ll be good 👊

IG @stick_e_fingerz

IG @stick_e_fingerz If your an Autoflower enthusiast I highly recommend southsidegenetics.com use my code StickEFam for discounts and freebies

Day: 26

Going smoothly

4 years ago


xound Looks good! Veggies are good 🙃

Day: 25

Girl 2

4 years ago

Day: 21

Day 25. Experimented with transplanting this auto and I think it stunted it’s growth.

4 years ago