


October 2019

4 random seeds from my leftover shake of different strains from dispensaries over the months. After looking at other people’s grows on here it’s clear I didn’t give my plants the proper upbringing for the first few days. We’ll see how it goes. I’ll purchase some seeds and the proper equipment prior to grow 2. Any advice/comments/criticism is appreciated. Using this grow as a learning experience.

Unknown Strain

Day 140 (Week 20)

22 updates

48 photos

Day: 140



5 years ago

Day: 110


5 days into their 12/12 flowering light schedule standing at 35 inches and 21 inches

5 years ago

Day: 86


Currently sitting at 30” and 18”. Prepared the coco coir in two 8 hour pre soaks of cal mag and transferred both plants into 3gal fabric pots.

5 years ago

Skeetownbud Harbor freight bucket for the win

Day: 76

They’re currently standing at 24 inches and 13 inches. Today I’m going to start their first trim and select 4 good stems for cloning.

5 years ago

Day: 72

Was planning on going out of town for two days and it turned into five. Babies looking a little thirsty 🥵

5 years ago

Day: 64

The sativa plant is at 20” and the indica is at 12”. I’ll put them into flowering in a week.

5 years ago

Day: 46



5 years ago


metalmattak What kind of soil are you using

Day: 40


10” tall now. Starting them on their nutrients tomorrow.

5 years ago

Day: 27



5 years ago

Day: 23

Still haven’t bought any nutrients for them, hopefully next week.

5 years ago

Day: 19


5 years ago

Day: 17

Buying CalMag and some other nutrients Friday to start them on

5 years ago

otisworldwide hey man have you just been watering it? My plants about the same size and I’ve haven’t given it any nutes and don’t know when to

Day: 16

Getting bigger by the hour!

5 years ago

Day: 14

Added some foil surrounding the plants, picked up a humidifier and a fan. The wind caused one of the taller ones to fall yesterday so it’s now blowing away from them until they get a little bigger. Set it back upright and tamped the soil around it, it’s slouching but it looks okay.

5 years ago

Day: 12


The two taller plants are now both 4”, the short one is 2”, and the fourth one died. Switched the taller ones into bigger pots with new soil and perlite due to a white fuzzy mold. Picked up a couple full spectrum bulbs.

5 years ago

Day: 12


5 years ago

Day: 8


Two of the plants are 2” tall and the third is 1”. The taller two are starting to look healthier after humidity and light schedule was fixed. The third had the shell casing stuck on it and it was sagging pretty bad so I removed it with a couple pairs of tweezers.

5 years ago

Day: 6

24/0 LED light schedule

5 years ago


Cbrx52 The two that have broken through the soil are both yellow/brown. They weren’t on a 24/0 light schedule until today and I could have been under watering them in fear of overdoing it

Day: 6

Added plastic for humidity retention. 24/0 LED Light schedule

5 years ago

Day: 5

4 of the 8 seeds began to sprout, transferred to 2” deep soil

5 years ago

Day: 3

5 years ago

Day: 2

Germinating In wet paper towels

5 years ago