
Mystery Seed

Fall/ Winter 2019

Germinated in 24 hours planted and misted with water


Day 50 (Week 8)

10 updates

16 photos

Day: 50

Day 50 now flowering

5 years ago

Day: 35

Looking great

5 years ago

Day: 22

Leaves are spreading out good

5 years ago

Day: 14

Growing good... watered today

5 years ago

Crossiantplants What temperature do you keep your plant under? And do you give it light 24hr?

Day: 13

Still growing like a weed lol

5 years ago

Day: 11

Growing like a weed lol

5 years ago

Day: 10

Day 10

5 years ago

Day: 5

Water with nutes yesterday

5 years ago

Day: 3

Continued to mist with water

5 years ago

Day: 2

Continued to mist with water

5 years ago