

Súper Skunk


50/50 mix coco and organic soil with some dry amendments


Day 83 (Week 12)

13 updates

22 photos

Day: 83

Gonna harvest this fat lady today

3 years ago

Day: 67

Week 9-10 nutrients from GH

3 years ago

Day: 62

Water + recharge

3 years ago

Day: 58

Gonna give her some more nutrients week 7-8 General Hydroponics at a lower dose because i added some MOAB. Pushing more nutes than normal just to see what happens because she’s growing fast

4 years ago


CraigBengfort I wouldn’t push anymore it already looks to have a slight nitrogen toxicity I think your pushing it perfectly


yuicy @craigbengfort i mostly gave her a PK boost very little nitrogen in this feeding


CraigBengfort Then you should be set, looking really good otherwise

Day: 53

Week7-8 nutrients from General Hydroponics

4 years ago

Day: 45

Water and recharge

4 years ago


yuicy I topped her a few days ago i think it really did her some justice

Day: 41

Week 5 nutes a few days ago forgot to document it

4 years ago

Day: 31

She loved the LST. Just gave her water with recharge. Just noticed her first pistols today as well

4 years ago

Day: 25

Just gave this lady my typical week 3 nutes. Gonna bend her over now for some LST

4 years ago

Day: 19

Gave her some recharge water about 2 days ago

4 years ago

Day: 12

A little later than normal but I’m about to give her week 1 nutrients tonight

4 years ago


Zextor Nice! I got Feminized Super growing right now. I hope everything goes good for you (:

Day: 4

It’s this girls birthday 🥳

4 years ago

Day: 0

Pre watered the medium and put 1 seed in there. Let’s hope for the best

4 years ago