

Closet Mini-Grow

First attempt at a mini grow! Check back for updates every few days. Quality over quantity. Wish me luck!


Day 92 (Week 14)

24 updates

37 photos

Day: 92

Chopping today

5 years ago

Ego Let us know the yield when you find out!

Day: 87

Chopping in a week

5 years ago

Day: 81


Almost ready to be chopped.

5 years ago

Day: 76

6 years ago

Day: 75


Back again for the weekend! Two or three weeks till harvest. Colors really starting to show

6 years ago

Ego How much does your room smell at this point outside your closet? Iā€™m doing a similar stealth grow of two smaller plants and Iā€™m about to put them in to flower šŸ˜¬

Day: 65

Picture sent from my friend who is taking care of the plant at the moment

6 years ago

Day: 53

Starting to reach and thicken up

6 years ago

Day: 51

Back in town for flower. Pre buds coming in looks completely different from last update. I had to chop one of the plants because it was a male so I only have the one now

6 years ago

Day: 32

Transplanted both to 5 gal and continued to use plant ties. Almost ready for flower!

6 years ago

Day: 30

6 years ago

Day: 28

Topped both plants again

6 years ago

Day: 26

Tops coming in nicely!

6 years ago

Day: 24

Topped both plants yesterday

6 years ago

Day: 22


Used plant ties as lst

6 years ago

Day: 20

Sets of three finger leaves coming in nicely!

6 years ago

Day: 18

6 years ago

Day: 16

All growing according to plan!

6 years ago

Day: 14

6 years ago

Day: 12

6 years ago

Day: 10

Added more soil now both true leaves are coming in nicely!

6 years ago

Day: 8

Slowly making updates to the grow, giving light nutrients every other day. Solid growth from the seedling and the clone is still light green showing signs of life

6 years ago

Day: 7

Left: skunk og mini Right: clone of strange og

6 years ago

Day: 5

First leaves are visible! Had to remove the seed casing to allow for easier growth.

6 years ago

Day: 3

Planted 3 days ago, tap root is visible!

6 years ago


bonrad24 šŸŒ±šŸŒ±