
Blue DreamMatic CBD Crack

Spring Grow

198ppm 2.5 a and b 1.25 cal mag Great white Mon 3/4 276 ppm 5.99 ph 1.25 ml a and b 4 ml calmag Sprinkle gw Tuesday 3/5 Some of Monday’s water 5 ml a and b 1.25 ml great white 4ml cal mag 6.0 ph 482 ppm Saturday 3/9 500 ppm 6.0 ph 5 ml calmag, a and b 1/8 tsp gw 1.5 gallon split between the plants


Day 19 (Week 3)

1 update

1 photo

Day: 19

Watered 3/9 with 1.5 gallons between the plants. 5ml calmag, 5ml canna a and b, 1/8 tsp GreatWhite. Starting some LST.

6 years ago