SpaceMan mk2 (Lenny)
Plant #2 in grow “tent”
Day 43 (Week 7)
5 updates
5 photos
Day: 38
Have really taken off
2 years ago
Day: 19
Growing much slower then the others but seems healthy
2 years ago
Caliban My advice would be to never use a clear cup since roots can be damaged and raise the soil to the lip to give the plants more to work with and it is easier to transplant. At that size looks like they need a transplant. Good luck. 👍
budBuddy16 @Caliban..Definitely noted for next grow..Thanks for the advice! This grow has definitely been a learning experience for me
Day: 13
Added some food 🍱
2 years ago
Day: 11
This one’s stem has gone from a green to a dark purple..Not sure what’s going on? Everything else looks healthy…anyone have any ideas???
2 years ago