New England Lights Clone Plant 1
NE Lights
5 gallons of fox farms ocean 2.5 tablespoons of Gaia green all purpose fert. Starting veg at 80% in VIVOSUN photo recipe (mode)
NE Lights
Day 15 (Week 3)
2 updates
3 photos
Day: 15
- no water today, curled leaves may be sign of too much water. - 7” tall - Adjusted lights with lux meter + PPFD app - ~~400 PPFD - Ordered self watering pots, one less variable - humidity was much better with the humidifier dialed today - Need to research more on topping in the next couple days
3 months ago
Day: 14
Dehumidifier up and running. 8% difference in relative humidity between probe and humidifier. Going to check probe location tomorrow. VPD got really high earlier due to lack of humidity. Opened tent as outside tent was higher humidity. Seems like an airflow issue, humidifier is working for now. Will measure height tomorrow. Currently 18/6
3 months ago