
Sky high

4:20 sunday june 7th

Just the start comments and tips about how to grow please feel free to give me advice this is my first tune

Sky high

Day 5 (Week 1)

1 update

1 photo

Day: 5

Seed is sprouting when do I put the sprout in the soil and how ?

5 years ago


Budman40 I let my 3 I did get pretty long about almost a inch maybe before I planted them and I planted them down about half inch wjth the tail going down. Good luck

Jesseindahouse You can put that long one in soil now. That’s a pretty good size tap root, just make a hole in the soil and put it room down. Seed just hardly under soil level then cover lightly with the soil. DO NOT PACK DOWN. If your sprouting it in sun put it in shade until first set of real grow. Then u can put in sun. If your using light just put them super close to ur lights to avoid stretching