

GelatOG coco CMH/ CHPS

November ‘20

Three gelato OG and one 90’s Bubba Kush. 3x5 tent Coco grow with Cutting Edge Solutions nutrients and CMH 315w for veg and 600w for hps flower. Top feed drain to waste..

Gelat OG

Day 64 (Week 10)

33 updates

81 photos

Day: 64


4 years ago

Day: 62


4 years ago


jtroc675 Nice manifold technique!

Cannabis Nurse Solutions Wow that’s great! How’d you do that

sunny’sgrow Does it take much lomger to mainfolding ?

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Day: 61


4 years ago

Day: 59

Filling in...

4 years ago

Day: 52


4 years ago

kinglouis What is your final container size?

Day: 50

A little pre-flip defoliation..

4 years ago

Day: 49


4 years ago

Day: 46

Still waiting on those fourth nodes to flip/trying not to overgrow the tent!Probably going to have to use a regular 600w hps bulb just to clear the tent. 🤷🏼‍♂️

4 years ago

Day: 41

Had a couple training mishaps, hopefully the heal up ok

4 years ago

Day: 38

Going into week 4 of veg, just topped plants for third and last time..

4 years ago


kingkush14 Awesome Fruity kushy strain ;)

Day: 37

Just waiting to top for 3rd time, still ec 1.2, turned on the hydro halos yesterday..

4 years ago


mystrain420 Is that a recirculating system? If so what’s the name of it if u don’t mind me asking?


OG_Wiz No, it’s drain to waste. That’s a drain bucket in the middle with a sump pump that shoots the runoff into a bucket outside the tent.


OG_Wiz It’s a diy with Hydro Halos and Drain Away trays with some pot elevators above and below each tray..

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Day: 34

Happy Chronickuah!

4 years ago

Day: 33

Recovering from second topping and starting to play with the hydro halos.. ec1.2

4 years ago

Day: 29

Everybody’s all transplanted..

4 years ago

Day: 29

Dirty bongs for dirty boy

4 years ago

sprite333 It’s crazy I have that same idph document


tentslum Happy 2020!

Day: 27

Recovering nicely from topping, getting ready to transplant ec1.2

4 years ago

Day: 27

I like how this is shaping up..

4 years ago


metalmattak It’s a nice setup. The hydro halos are great


tentslum Good to hear, I haven’t tried them yet...

Day: 24

Stepped up to ec 1.2. 9 days since transplant/end of seedling phase. Getting close to topping/transplant time..

4 years ago

Day: 24

Topping day

4 years ago

Day: 20

Four true nodes working on fifth. Still ec. 1.1 drifting the ph. Tallest plant just reached 5”. New growth tips below 3rd node were trimmed over last two days..

4 years ago

Day: 16

Ec1.1 ph down to like low 6

4 years ago

Day: 15

Transplant day. Ec1.1 ph 6.13 11/26

4 years ago

Day: 14

Most plants have 2 nodes working on a third. All have roots busting out. Ec 1.0 cal mag foliars...

4 years ago

Day: 13

Fed veg blend 1.0 ph 6.18 @ 1pm

4 years ago

Day: 12


Made it to ec 1.0. Fed full strength ph 6.14.

4 years ago

koryc What are you feeding it?


TentSlum Cutting Edge Solutions

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Day: 9

Noon feeding ec .65(bubba kush) and ec. .75(gelatOG) ph 6.14 cal-mag foliar 8:30pm ec .7 (BK) ph 6.18 and ec .8 (GOG) ph 6.15 2 gallons added to fogger

4 years ago

Day: 8

Removed plastic cover and fired up the fogger and fans. Fed at noon with ec 6.5(gelatOG) and 5.5(bubba) @ ph 6.25. Foliar cal-mag. Fed at 9pm with ec .7(gelatOG) and .65(bubba) ph 6.2

4 years ago

Day: 7

12noon fed gelatOG ec 550 bubba Kush ec 450 ph 6.2. Underside foliar cal-mag 9pm fed gelatOG ec 6, bubba kush ec 5 ph 6.2 cal-mag foliar. Lights up to 15k lux Wed 11/18

4 years ago

Day: 6

Fed ec425+ ph 6.4 @ noon. Ec 400(for 90’s bubba kush) ec 500(for gelatOG) ph 6.2 @ 9pm Fastest gelato showing some rippling, foliar fed cal-mag

4 years ago

Day: 5

The 1 90’s bubba kush finally popped its head up. Feeding ec.4 lights increased to 10k lux

4 years ago

Day: 3


Transplanted 3 Into nursery bags with .4 ec ph 6.25

4 years ago

Day: 2


Sprouted and in Root Riot pellets. Lights on at ~7,500lux 2 heads up by mid day..

4 years ago

Day: 0

Prepping seeds and such..

4 years ago