

First growww



Banana god?

Day 60 (Week 9)


8 updates

8 photos

Day: 60

this girl’s bottom part leaves too is turning brown or dying.. is this a part of the process? am i making a mistake? thankyouu 🥹

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James Is it soil or coco?


MomoIchigo🌸🇯🇵 it’s soil. 🥹

TheSocialGrower Have you been feeding it anything? And what kind of soil? The upper leaves look a little better I think, which usually means you’ve got it figured out or have time to figure it out if it’s a nutrient thing

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Day: 27

watered, transfered then to bigger pots :) idk why she is spiral…

2 years ago

Day: 16


2 years ago

Day: 12


2 years ago

Day: 11

not watered.. 18:6

2 years ago

Day: 9

not watered, im a little worried because the leaves are going downward.. is this okay?

2 years ago


SaviiBuds Could be a little transplant shock. Could also be over or under watered. How much water are you giving it and how often?


MomoIchigo🌸🇯🇵 oh okay, i’m giving it around 3or 4 times a week whenever i feel or check if it’s already dry.. thankyouuu so much 🥹


SaviiBuds As long as you are watering based on feel you should be good. Just make sure the soil is dry about as deep down as your first knuckle or so on your finger. I bet she’ll look better in a day or 2. Sometimes they a little upset after a transplant.

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Day: 8

transfered them to soil because my friend adviced it!

2 years ago

Day: 6

My first babyy

2 years ago