

Peanut butter triangle first time grower

April 2021

Four peanut butter triangle plants in a 3x3 tent.

Peanut butter triangle

Day 174 (Week 25)

60 updates

253 photos

Day: 174


Not gonna lie they look a bit airy to me but the smell on them is surprisingly fruity, wonder From what parent it comes from

3 years ago


bigsammy Does it smell like peanut butter????


rickkurack It does kinda smell like peanut butter and jelly


rickkurack I might run another seed of them soon again, looking into buying a new light

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Day: 171

Dried and trimmed now onto cure

3 years ago


MrStopPlayin Looks good 😎


rickkurack Thanks I’ve been curing for two days now and I couldn’t help to not try my first grown bud, Def just enjoy the experience and stoned after one bowl😂

Day: 160


After 9 weeks and four days I chopped them down, I’m happy with what I see

3 years ago

Day: 159

Are these seeds?!?!?

3 years ago


rickkurack Damnnnn I thought so, should I just chop?


rickkurack Alright should I do a 48 hr dark period before chopping? I’m not sure at all

Day: 158

Phenotypes are weird, they should all be the same thing. The plant that I’m a bit worried about is focused on more , the flower looks okaish but the leaves are dropping quite a bit does It look normal and should I do something this late into it ?

3 years ago


rickkurack 3 gallons total: I watered with a tbsp of cal mag and 2 tbsp of molasses premixed into a gallon for the two lighter plants . For the other two darker Plants on the left I used the 2 gallons left that had only the molasses premixed. Phd around 6.7

Day: 156


Should be nine weeks into flower, ima probably harvest in a week but will check Trichomes. If strain is usually 7-9 week flower time should I go past it ?

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Man that’s a beautiful scene my dude awesome job looks like fire genetics 🧬

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Let them go until you have 15-20% amber trichomes any longer it will just put you to sleep Just my input

Day: 153


Just finished watering 2.5 gals Phd to around 6.7 on the lighter two plants I decided to add cal mag and nothing on the other two .

3 years ago


ogeast Picture perfect! Beautiful structure


rickkurack Thanks y’all!

Day: 151


8 weeks and two days in , I’m so excited to see them in this state👽

3 years ago

Day: 149

It should be 8 weeks into flower now. I think two of the plants leaves are changing accordingly . I will probably stop feeding nothing to these plants now and just add water especially to the darker leafed ones. I watered 3 gals today that was phd around 6.6 I did add cal mag mostly to the lighter colored ones not sure if I should be doing so

3 years ago

Day: 148


Should be 5 days since I watered last but I feel like I’ve been overwatering so I’ll give it a extra day, wonder if they will perk up when I do so

3 years ago

Day: 144


Took out dehumidifier water and rotated all plants , I like how they are hitting the tent walls way less now. ( most flower sites of the two left plants can’t support themselves without net now)👽

4 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz That’s a beautiful scene👍


Zeyberlin Looking frosty great work

Day: 143


4 years ago

DracoBEBO Looks like calcium deficiency. Have you added any?


rickkurack I have been adding about every week but it seems to be affecting the leaves directly over the dehumidifer . Not sure if this matters at all but they seem to be most affected compared to the rest of the plant . My ph has been around 6.6 by the way

DracoBEBO 6.5 is ideal for calcium intake (according to charts) so that should be fine. I always try to fluctuate from 6.2-6.7, personally but I would say that is fine. I don’t know about the humidifier. Honestly, I live in an area that turning my exhaust fan higher or lower controls it enough to not really worry about it. Maybe point it a diff direction? Normally you’ll see the cal def on newer or faster growing growth, if that helps. Boost the amount just a little if it continues and see what it does. It takes a good amount to overdose on cal mag. Led lights make your plants need more of it.

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Day: 143

Watered with 3 gallons of water phd around 6.5 . Only gave cal mag to the black bucket plant , hopefully it helps 🙏🏽.

4 years ago


rickkurack Thank you !😁


Caliban Nice work!


lettuce97 look at troy trying to participate haha

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Day: 141

6weeks and 6 days into flower , I was wondering wether these girls have fattened up as much as they can???🧐🧐 . the packaging says 7-9 week flower time. Although I know it can depend on the phenotype , i would like to hear what y’all have experienced in flowering .

4 years ago

Day: 140

Just finished watering 3 gallons with one tbsp of molasses phd around 6.6☀️🙏🏽

4 years ago

Cali Grown Hello your plants look awesome. I’m new to growing I got some coco loco and perlite, I’m just wondering if you know what the best mix ratio is?


rickkurack Yo, first off thank you for the compliment ! This is my first time growing cannabis however and I’m using soil. As for how much perlite you should add , I definitely wouldn’t say this is the best ratio since I haven’t used it before but I would imagine that you should be using around 70% coco to about 30% perlite . From what I know coco has not nutrients in it so feeding will have to be a regular task. Given this you could even go up to 40% perlite and 60% coco but I would personally try out the 30% perlite ratio first . Hope all goes well in your grow

Cali Grown Thank you. I have some Nutrients for the plant that’s diluted in water

Day: 139


6 weeks and 4 days into flower. I’m wondering how long I have , I doubt they will be finished on week 7🧐☀️.

4 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Be patient my friend..trust the trichomes cloudy and 20% amber is the sweet spot.

Day: 137


Watered w 2 gals, phd around 6.6. Added 2 tbsp of molasses and 3 tbsp of cal mag . Should be 6 weeks and 1 day into flower.

4 years ago


DislecticGamer Looking so good!


rickkurack Thanks a lot, your blue dream looking 💣


DislecticGamer Cheers legend 🤙🏽

Day: 136

Next run?🧐 I’m thinking of doing auto run next time

4 years ago

noah_ffiliation What auto’s you got? Just finished up some lemon auto and Alaskan purp auto freebies I had. Definitely a dif kind of growing! I can never get more than 2oz per plant tho 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


rickkurack Damn what size pot you use? And I just added a pic of the second strain autos I have , I’m still surprised I got the 10 pack for 30 bucks(hoping they aren’t crap seeds). I only have one seed of the first auto which is the sour diesel


rickkurack How did you like the Alaskan purp

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Day: 135

Undeveloped clear trichomes found on sugar leaf. Watered with molasses phd around 6.6 about 2.5 gals for all 4 plants . Trying to get one of them to have even canopy with the rest .Does placing light closer to the smaller plant make it stretch or should I try putting it further from light to stretch evenly?🧐🙏🏽

4 years ago

DracoBEBO Placing the light closer would technically slow it’s upward grow. Keyword upward, they will branch out heavy and make a thick stalk. Having the light further away would make it stretch quicker, making a skinny, less rigid, and possibly flimsy stalk. This is just a technical answer, I didn’t look through your grow set up and plant situation. I’d def advise avoiding forcing them to grow taller faster. But if you constantly work with and inspect them, you can influence stretch or squatty.

DracoBEBO So just looked through some pics. Not sure how much the scrog is holding it, could you lift the plant and put something under it to lift it?


rickkurack I might just try that since it’s only about 4 inch difference

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Day: 135

Got some good advice and executed it, was able to get a even canopy and widen my plant a bit for more top sites 😎. Should I feed the bottom two plants some nutrients even though they are still getting over a bit of nute burn? The bottom growth is dying quick and the leaves are much lighter in color I’m just a bit worried

4 years ago


trichometheatre Are you using a blumat or auto pots? I can see something in the background but I’m not sure if it is a drip system? Do you know/take the pH of the plants feed, as well as runoff? If your pH is not dialed in, lacking proper runoff, then the rhizosphere (roots) can’t uptake those nutrients to their fullest capacity. I would pick up a pH, EC, ppm, meter and feed (microbes, kelp, and silica are crucial) with a 1:3 ratio DAILY to regulate field capacity within your soil; allowing any problems to be fixed. Let nature do it’s thing, just give it a push, lol. You got this homie! ☮️💚🧬🦠


rickkurack I’m using fabric pots , not sure what blumat nor auto pots are🧐. its not a drip system , it would be cool to have it but I put my case for glasses on the dehumidifier As a quick fix for the light it gave off in dark time. In terms of ph , I usually try to aim for 6.5 and I tested runoff about a month ago and it was the same as going in for that watering. Ive never tried adding microbes , kelp, nor silica but I’ll definitely look into it . Do you think feeding the bottom two either worm castings or a bloom blend would do them well? Thanks for the info btw🙏🏽


trichometheatre OK yes I’ll try to address each thing in according to what you were fabric parts are very good for outdoor plants that get very large but indoor there is no need for these pots. Some growers are using 645watt LEDs. Getting same yields but using half the size pots! They tend to hoard moisture and steal the moisture within your soil. Your pH should be low sixes in veg and about 6.8 to 7.1 PH for flower. Runoff is essential without, salt will build up and that can ultimately lead to toxicity’s or disease! A blumat is one of those carrot looking things that you stick in the soil the only thing that determines how much water you get poured into your soil is dependent on gravity and the moisture level of your soil. Without proper runoff your soil will not maintain the proper pH to intake all of the nutrients that you are giving her. 

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Day: 131


5 weeks and 2 days into flower, I’m noticing how the darker green plants have produced more resin yet a taller and faster growing pheno has the biggest buds as of now even though it doesn’t have much resin in comparison. I watered with 3 gals and 3 tbsp of molasses phd around 6.5

4 years ago

Day: 131

I bought these for my first time using this site , wondering if anyone else bought exceptional seeds here

4 years ago


rickkurack The website is northatlanticseed.com

Blazin Fiend

Blazin Fiend That’s the website I have been planning to use next tbh so hopefully they good seeds decent price and some freebies and promos sounds solid as long as the plants grow well .


rickkurack Yeah hopefully they get here on time before I start my next grow. I noticed that you said you are going to start your next run in jiffy pellets, do you use them as is or sorround it with something so you can possibly avoid root light damage?

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Day: 130

Anyone know a website to buy good seeds that gives freebies

4 years ago

Cannabuckets North Atlantic Seed Company seems like the best option

mikeywillgrowanything I got a male from one of my freebies from seedsman. Haven't planted any of the other freebies. The Feminized blue Dream is female though.


keithlovesrach I had great luck from North Atlantic seed company. Ordered from seedsman as well but it took forever to receive the seeds. North Atlantic Nees company got them to me in a few days. Pretty solid genetics too.

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Day: 128

Just watered with 3 cap full of molasses phd around 6.5😄

4 years ago


rickkurack Was 2.5 galls for all 4

Day: 126

Are these deficiency’s something to worry about even when the upper leaves are pretty dark green?

4 years ago


LutherSlurbank916 Wouldn’t worry too much being this close too flower as it could be just a natural fade due to nutrient decrease.. nitrogen is a mobile nutrient meaning when the upper or new growth need it it takes it from the lower or older growth..

Day: 126

Are these deficiency’s something to worry about even when the upper leaves are pretty dark green?

4 years ago

Day: 124


Just watered with 2 cap full of cal mag and 2 cap full of molasses . Phd around 6.5. How are the ladies looking ?

4 years ago

Day: 122


4 years ago

Day: 121


4 weeks into flower, will water tommorow

4 years ago

Day: 121

Just finished watering 2 1/2 gallons with one cap full of cal mag that was phd around 6.5

4 years ago

Day: 119


4 years ago

Day: 118

Just finished watering with half a cap of cal mag that was phd around 6.6.

4 years ago

Day: 116

3 weeks and 2 days into flower

4 years ago

Day: 114


Just finished watering with two cap full of molasses and 1/2 cap full of cal mag= 2 gallons for all four. Defoliated aswell ( worse pic is after defoliation, I took it through the viewing window since I went out to take care of my outdoor garden)

4 years ago

Day: 109


Two weeks n two days into flower will water later today

4 years ago

Day: 109

Watered with calmag that was ph aroun 6.6

4 years ago


redman7176 🤘🏼🤘🏼

Day: 105

It’s been almost two weeks into flower . (11days) . The girls are looking nice under the wide lens I used for the pic , hopefully the girl on the bottom right will grow better now ,will specifically water with cal mag next time aswell since that seemed to be the issue. Wondering if I should spray the plants with something for bugs even though I haven’t seen any since I last most likely killed them 🧐🧐🧐

4 years ago

Day: 104


Im 60% suree these four plants are female given that they are showing what seem like pistols....🧐Just top dressed them with half of recommended dosage of both 4-4-4 and bloom nutes. In essence, The nutes were divided in half between 4-4-4 and bloom to make up the whole half dosage . Watered them with cal mag that was phd around 6.5. I mainly focused on top dressing the bottom two which are the black container and the 5 gal so they can have similar leaf color .

4 years ago

Day: 102


Looks like some are new growths and some are starting to shoot pistols, feel free to let me know what you think since I need help. I hope none of them are males..🙏🏽🙃

4 years ago


rickkurack Watered them with nothing else added today

Day: 102


Not really sure what’s going on with the bottom right plant

4 years ago


rickkurack The last photo seems really weird to me

Day: 100

No water today, just seeing how they are praying a bit 🙏🏽🌱

4 years ago

Day: 99

Not sure if they are females or if they are shooting pistols, taking recommendations

4 years ago

vikingbreath91 Inconclusive. You’re last pic I zoomed in they’re not showing yet

vikingbreath91 I’m doing pbb right now and waiting myself but just popped em last week so got a way longer wait lol.


rickkurack Oh dang yeah, hope you have a healthy grow though !

Day: 98

Not the best pic, but I just finished spraying something for the insects on these . I also vacuumed the floor now that I hade them out of the tent. They are filling the tent up nicely🌱

4 years ago

Day: 97


Looking pretty good, I believe it’s 3rd day of flower . I finished watering 2 gallons for all four in total . Added 1 ml of molasses to Phd water that was around 6.3 in the first gal and added cal mag to the second gal that was phd around 6.5.🌱👍🏽👽

4 years ago

Day: 97


Anyone know what this is?

4 years ago


rickkurack Please help!


ogeast Most probably a genetic abnormality and probably nothing to worry about.


rickkurack Oh okay, do you happen to know what the little worms are?

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Day: 94

Today is first day of flower

4 years ago

Day: 93

Gave Water that was around 6.5 ph and top dressed with half 4-4-4 and bloom nutes .

4 years ago

Day: 91

New trellis net , finally got soil to get dry after un phd flush and un declorinated. Taking note of weird new growth. Will be definitely properly watering tomorrow. Changed power cords around aswell. Overall happy with first grow🌱🙏🏾

4 years ago

Day: 86

I think they are looking way healthier with flush now

4 years ago

Day: 85

Just finished flushing this girl , her ppm was insanely high around 6k 😥. Hopefully I’ll see change soon

4 years ago

Day: 85

Put in some extra time for them to get them nice and flushed since the cal mag wasn’t affecting the leaves as much as I thought they should, looking really fully of water and droopy. Given how the leaves were looking, I thought they were having nutrient lockout. Overall, I Lowered all of their ppms dramatically except the top let one, I just sprayed something on that girl for the bugs . If the other 3 react positively, will flush the last aswell. I will be leaving the fan on throughout the night so the soil will dry quicker 🌱🙏🏾

4 years ago

Day: 84

Some are lookin a bit weird , need help

4 years ago


rickkurack Btw I know I have some bugs and just sprayed them down with something to deal with them but not sure what the leafs are telling me besides that, please help!


jay_loud_qgtm Looks like lack of cal Meg to me I would flush then feed 2 or 3 days after


rickkurack thanks for the advice I think they do need a flushing so I’ll def try it to see

Day: 84

Watered all four with full strength of molasses, noticed a very weak leaf that fell off to the touch on the top right plant. It looks like nitrogen and cal mag deficiency but I might be wrong , open to suggestions-

4 years ago

Day: 82

Watered all four plants with half a dose of cal mag. Phd to around 6.6 and top dressed bottom two with 1/4th strength of 4-4-4 fertilizer with a bit of worm castings mixed with perlite.

4 years ago

Day: 79


4 years ago


rickkurack Flipping them to the flower after today

Day: 79

In need of help diagnosing plant deficiency!!!

4 years ago

TheZomb Looks like a cal/mag issue.


rickkurack Thanks, I just fed some the other day to all four . About a tablespoon in a gallon, should I feed more than once ?

Day: 78

Finished watering with 1 ml of grow more:molasses and 1 ml of fox farm: cal mag. Total= 2 ml per gallon of water . Topped dress upper left with 4-4-4 fertilizer once more

4 years ago

Day: 77

Canopy is looking decent but some are either suffering from nutrient burn or need more of them

4 years ago

Day: 76

Fed the top two with worm castings and 4-4-4 nutrients using 1/3 of recommended dosage. watered all four

4 years ago

Day: 74

Any suggestions on what seems like nutrient burn and boron deficiency?

4 years ago