

Banana Spritz

April 21

3-4 weeks old. Growing rapidly! Afraid it might be male how quickly it’s growing.


Day 65 (Week 10)

13 updates

20 photos

Day: 65

Canabonsai 😉

4 years ago

Day: 56

Topped her twice. Pistils showing.

4 years ago

Day: 54

First signs of sex on this on and her sister outside. Both pistils ☺️ I’m a happy father lol

4 years ago

Day: 50

Canabonzai style grow. Took a bunch of clones from her and also her sister is outside and 2+ feet tall already. I trained this one so we’ll see the difference in yield. She’s outside tho.

4 years ago

Day: 42

Can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve updated. But I FIM her a while back and now she has 3 heads, 2 new ones and the third head is deformed from the FIM but that’s kinda what the point of FIM is cause you might get 4 heads off the rip instead of just 2. I got 3 :)

4 years ago

Day: 37

FIM her last week, new growth looks crazy so maybe I’ll get lucky with 4 main colas right off the rip :)

4 years ago


IGrowHowIGrow 4 lite work... 8 tops at this stage, now we talking lol. Looking good tho.

Day: 37

Opened her right up. Going for a cannabonsai tree look in the end. Training now then going to upgrade to metal stakes later.

4 years ago

Day: 30


She’s getting topped today! Topping one, and keeping one regular. I want to compare the yield and see how much more yield I produce from topping/LST compared to a regular grow.

4 years ago

Day: 30

FIM ☺️

4 years ago

Day: 30

Topped one and LST. The other one I’m not touching. Seeing how different the yield is.

4 years ago

Day: 26

Has like 3-4 nodes already. This things growing so fast it’s getting top heavy lol second picture showing you that I got wayyyyy to much in this little ass tent. Some are getting transplanted outside. And some will unfortunately be male I’m sure 😢

4 years ago

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬 I can’t find any “purple punch” log 🪵


kevywoods I have 4 plants on my profile. The purple punch is titled “ Purple Punch first grow ever” it says day 81 or something like that but it’s not 100% accurate just a guess. It’s definitely there idk why it’s not showing up for you. When you click my name does is say I have 4 plants? There should be Lemon Haze Auto, G13 Haze, BanaNa Spritz, and Purple Punch first grow ever. I’m new to this layout on the Bud app. It can be confusing switching between grows. They all look similar.


kevywoods Hey Golden. I figured it out I accidentally had that grow set to “private”. It’s public now! Sorry about that lol

Day: 26

Side shot

4 years ago

Day: 26


Getting soooo big so quick. I’ve read online that fast growing could indicate early sign of a male but we will see how true that is in this case. I may accidentally call it a she but I don’t know yet. Anyways just updating with some pics. Nothing changed.

4 years ago

auto active Autos grow super fast

auto active And if it’s fem I highly doubt it will be male

auto active BUT anything can happen

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