

1st Grow - Autos


3 Auto Plants, 5 gal pots, 3x3 tent

Cookie Apple OG F1, Strawberry Cheesecake, and Garlic Muffin F1

Day 28 (Week 4)


12 updates

12 photos

Day: 28

Bloom nutes and just a tad more LST. Looking healthy but small. Probably over watered in the beginning

3 months ago

Day: 22

My LST and topping went great. Girls are responding well. Just gave them 6ml A+B per 1 Gal. Going to see how they respond 🙏 oh and the cilantro sprouting too ‼️

3 months ago

Day: 16

Topped two of the 3 girls last night. Cookie Apple OG is responding very well! The Garlic Muffin F1 seems sad from topping and the strawberry cheesecake wasn’t large enough for a top.

3 months ago

Day: 15

Well I just gave them they’re full nutes. Was only doing have and about 500ml of water up until now. Doubles the water and doubled the nutes. Let’s see what happens. Feel like I’m late to the party on this one.

3 months ago

Day: 14

Fed the girls nutrients for the first time. Using sensei grow a + b and these babies jumped up in a day holy cow.

3 months ago

Day: 13

Significant growth in 1 day! This is the Cookie Apple and it’s double the size of my other 2 auto’s. Very impressive size just on day 13.

3 months ago

Day: 12

Happy Memorial Day! Was gone all weekend and saw some impressive growth the last 2-3 days. The true leaves are developing nicely. This Cookie Apple OG F1 is growing faster than my other plants. Very excited!

3 months ago

Day: 9

Moved the girlies into their final 5 gallon pots where they will grow up big and strong 🤞

4 months ago

Day: 7

Moved the girlies into the tent yesterday night and saw some significant growth overnight. More controlled environment. Cookie apple OG is looking strong and healthy and growing faster than the rest.

4 months ago

Day: 5

Growing tall!

4 months ago

Day: 4


4 months ago

Day: 3

Just moved the girls into the dome! 3/3 on the germination.

4 months ago