Stank Dankster

Stank Dankster


Acadia Testers

4 tester beans from Acadia Genetics

Durban Express

Day 61 (Week 9)


3 updates

4 photos

Day: 61

These are pre defoliation pictures of the Durban Express girls. I also top dressed in 16 oz 4-8-4 and watered in recharge. I will post pics after the flip in about a week or so.

2 years ago

Day: 36

I defoliated in here as well as added a black rainbow auto flower from Brother Mendels. The plan is to veg these girls until the auto is done

2 years ago

Day: 31

Just transplanted these girls into 7 gallon fabric pots and moved them into their new home. Durban Poison x Pineapple Express from Acadia Generics.

2 years ago