Banana Grape Soda ( Amended Living Soil )
Mosca Seeds
(4) 5 Gal pots - 25% Worm castings - 75% Promix - 50:50 of 3tbs/Gal of Gaia Green amends - 3 tbs of Mykos in center for roots
Banana Grape Soda Auto
Day 77 (Week 11)
34 updates
210 photos
Day: 77

todays the day yaayyyy
a year ago
Day: 70

moving on thru the weeks - going at 11 weeks now and i chopped 1 of 4 plants cuz god forbid me being that patient lol
a year ago
@eaegifts Nice colors and pic 1 is a beautiful shot 👏🏾👏🏾
Buds&Boobs01 thank you!
Day: 67

ayoooo so there is a bug, i looked thru jewelry loupe and i noticed a little guy on the leave with all the spots….. i cut that whole branch out….. so far it’s the only one that had that on there, i wasn’t gonna enjoy that, tbis close to chopping time… i imagine there’s at least one more somewhere beyond the jungle. hoping to spot out the signs and get them out immediately:(
a year ago
bigo32 Looks like mites unfortunately. Not sure the best product to use during flower, but don’t use neem oil
Buds&Boobs01 gotchu!
HokieHigh2011 I’d just crush them if you are that close to harvest, a bug or two is better than the whole plant tasting bad. Then just keep an eye out during trimming. If that’s the only leaf you’ll be good. They typically stay away from the buds…if they know what’s good for them haha
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Day: 67

spider mites is my guess from research…. this close to flower i am anxious as hell. the only branch i noticed i cut out. in that affected area —— what will happen if i harvest this week?
a year ago
IG @stick_e_fingerz2 👊🔥🔥🔥
Day: 62

end of week 9 - trimmed sucker parts and spread out branches more as i could , im sensing some fading going on as well the burns but ima jisy keep watering it and ride it out wats left — each plant seems to be more ready than the other so harvesting will be in stages i suppose
a year ago
IG @stick_e_fingerz2 Can’t go wrong with that screen name 👊😎
Day: 61

all plants showing signs of burn except 1 plant which is a bit slower than the rest, watered all last night
a year ago
Day: 56

some light burn in back right side of tent, watered everytbing today, still having high faith
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Those are not light burn. If was lights burn all plants upper leafs would have had it.you have a fan that’s blowing air constantly right there? If not is nutrients burn.
Rastaman 2.0 The taller plants would have fried first.
Buds&Boobs01 well i’ll be a son of a bitch then
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Day: 52

gave little bit of water today
a year ago
Day: 49

today marks end of week 7…. i think the days on this app r messed up but… in my titty calendar on my wall it says it’s ending week 7 so woopty. girls r looking mighty for what i want. light still 100% and i put up 2nd trellis. gave some water today. gonna let it dry out
a year ago
Day: 48

gave some water last night, light at 100% intensity and i actually lowered light a little… starting to smell and sugar up
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 You might have to open a second net soon let them spread when buds are big.
Buds&Boobs01 aahh so the buds arent so close together and touching? if so i’ll get a net this weeknd was thinking it
Rastaman 2.0 Now is soon when they hit 60 days up is going to be a party of big buds in there lol.
Day: 42

first ooopsi after top dressing i maxed out the light intensity and they started to wilt so i backed off to 50-60%
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 That’s no light intensity is your tent getting cold in it?
Buds&Boobs01 at night it can get to 67-68F during the day it’s up to 75-80F
Rastaman 2.0 That’s not bad mines is installed like that.did you went up on water volume?2 things can do that to auto flower low temp or over watering.
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Day: 41

i top dressed 1/4 cup of bloom, maybe 1/3 of all purpose, and about 1 cup of work castings then watered
a year ago
GrNadeGrade 💣 You should ensure the ⛺️ floor isn’t colder than 68 degrees. If so, you should raise your fab pots off the floor. Phosphorus is critical nutrient, especially during flowering, which requires the root zone to be at least 68 degrees in order for the plant to uptake.
Buds&Boobs01 thanks for that info! the temps do be dropping when the light is off at night
GrNadeGrade 💣 No worries. The time you’re going to want your root zone or environment to get below 68 is during the last two weeks of 🌺(ripening stage), to bring out colors in your buds that they’re genetically predisposed to. Nice looking plants btw 👍🏾
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Day: 40

bitches r chugging water, have to refil sprayer every day. i can’t get them to pray, the leaves be steady of sings of thirst —— i need to top dress with dry amends this weeknd. hoping tomorrow or next day. wanted to do it 30 days in but 12 days later shouldn’t be horrible ¿. faith in the little mamas …… light is ever so slightly turned up a little more daily . was 80% now it’s about 83-84% shootin for 100%
a year ago
breal01 Looking good bro!
Day: 37

LST, Pruned, raised light and bumped to 80%
a year ago
Day: 33

i have done LST, pruned some fan leaves, and i’m thinking about top dressing with casting and feed this weeknd as we are in week 4/5
a year ago
Day: 31

just patience
a year ago
Day: 28

i let go most of the LST supports and letting the tops all even out as much as i could
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🔥
Day: 23

loving them everyday
a year ago
Day: 21

#1 looking good // #2 looking good // #3 has started shooting preflowers // #4 is working on the top
a year ago
Day: 19

my dumbass split it in half being rough, i taped it in good faith but we’ll see how it turns out, will keep the other 3 in its name :(
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 🙆🏽♂️ damn bro You accidentally topped her.
Rastaman 2.0 She won’t die don’t worry it will take longer to harvest 💯
Buds&Boobs01 ahh maybe it will top, i didn’t see the two lower branches comin out 🤔 shall see
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Day: 18

still watering a good ring around and the trays underneath
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Going good 💯
Rastaman 2.0 They going to be 3 or 4times bigger than the others.
Buds&Boobs01 i’m noticing that, i am excited, these fan leaves are already bigger than the Frosted Cherry
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Day: 18

lst today dec 27th
a year ago
Day: 14

getting bigger
a year ago
Day: 11

watered a ring around - soil stayin pretty moist through out - supported then w some wire and spread fans out
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 💯💪🏽🙏🏽👊🏾
Day: 9

all of them are laid over on the dirt … should i support or is this good support (lst) as they grow
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 That’s your fan don’t let the fan blow directly on them and you can put some dirt or lil sticks to let them lean on but I would do the first option.
NativeFlower➕ Point it towards the fan
NativeFlower➕ 🤣 my bad wall
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Day: 8

#2 grew 3 leaves and had 3 cotydelons or whatever u call them. thought that was interesting
a year ago
apexpred Pretty cool mutation
Day: 6

watered pots and trays
a year ago
Day: 5

#2 growing 3 leaves —- watered w ring and watered trays underneath pots to absorb
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 🙏🏽💪🏽👊🏾
Day: 3

5:30 am Dec 12th - all of them popped out and showing green. and did a ring of water around
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Exactly and let the roots go get that water👊🏾
Day: 2

#1 seems to be the runt of the group . loyalty to it
a year ago
Day: 0

Watered and put the seeds in center, after the shell cracked open when i left it in a water bottle for germination. so far so good - faith
a year ago