
NL Auto Second Grow

Northern lights auto 00’ Seeds

300w light general hydroponics Trio Mix with cali magic PH of 6 coco coir 70% and perlite 30% 24hr light cycle

Northern Lights Auto

Day 51 (Week 8)

21 updates

45 photos

Day: 51

1 gallon distilled water 20% runoff

3 years ago


combatmedic81 You might have a toxicity of some kind with those leaf tips curling up

tridon Yea idk. I thought it was light stress


combatmedic81 What kind of light are you throwing at it and how far away?

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Day: 47

Nute Water 20% runoff

3 years ago

Day: 44

Distilled water 20% runoff

3 years ago


lettuce97 what do u thinks goin on w her

tridon Not enough humidity. It was at like 24%

Day: 41

Low stress trained to give light to the bottom and gave nute water 20% runoff

3 years ago

Day: 37

Distilled water 20% runoff

3 years ago

Day: 33

Nute water

3 years ago

Day: 31

Watered her w/ 20% runoff

3 years ago

emd555 What size pot is that? She’s seems small for her age

tridon It’s 5g

tridon She’s an autoflower. She’s not supposed to get big. Max height is like 4 ft

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Day: 28

Nute water today with 20% runoff

3 years ago

Day: 26


Watered her with 20% runoff

3 years ago

Day: 23

Watered her with Nute water 20% runoff

3 years ago


bigsammy Cute👍👍👍

tridon Thanks man. She’s growing really well actually. All of her stems are shooting out to the sides and are able to get the light. There are like I think 14 stems so hopefully 14 huge nugs. 🙏🏼

Day: 21

I pruned her up to allow light to get the branches below and she seems to be growing pretty well. Probably will water tomorrow.

3 years ago

emd555 They need their leaves to grow … I def wouldn’t take any more off!!

tridon Yea I’m leaving her alone now

tridon She’s still growing so

Day: 21

Just watered her with 20% runoff

3 years ago

Day: 18

Watered her with nutes. Stressed a little from the topping yesterday but still growing

3 years ago

Day: 17

Topped her while she was growing her 6th node. Besides that nothing else done.

3 years ago


CannaRabbit Excited to see her development💚, as my first grow documented here was also NL Auto from RQS (untopped, unstressed) which seed company is she from?

tridon She’s from 00’ Seeds


CannaRabbit Will check them out thank you fam!

Day: 15


Gave her distilled water with 20% run off and she’s tall and has grown as much as my other girl on day 25+.

3 years ago

Day: 12

Second week of nute water with 20% runoff and she growin. Only watering her every 3 days or so.

3 years ago

Day: 9

Watered her with distilled water and a runoff of 20%. She’s growing way better than the first plant during its first 10-15 days. So that great and hopefully she’ll catch up during flower with the first one.

3 years ago

Day: 6


Watered her with nute water and got around 20-30% run off. Is it bad if sometimes you get a high run off on accident? Also it’s constant temp now is around 75-78

3 years ago


D B I don’t grow autos so I’m not sure about overwatering sensitivities but from what I can see you didn’t soak all of the medium so it has a place to wick away from the root zone. I’d say maybe give an extra day between watering if your worried or maybe just less water next time on regular water day. The idea behind watering to runoff is to avoid build up of nutrients in the soil. I think it’s too early on for a build up of salts already. My guess is you’ll be fine. 👌

tridon Yea I water with nutes every other watering. So it’ll nute water one day, distilled water 3-4 days later both with 20% or so runoff

tridon So it’ll wash away the build up because no nutes in distilled water

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Day: 3


Watered her again with distilled water this time cause coco felt cool but not wet and she seems to be doing well in terms of growth. In next 3 days probably gonna water her again. Read even with 10-20% runoff requires me to water every 2 days or so in coco. Keeping the temp in the 70’s. Yesterday got it to stay around 77 during the day and around 74 at night.

3 years ago

Day: 1

Watered her till 10-20% runoff with ph of 6 and following the trio formula from general hydroponics. Put a fan right on her to help with the heat. She’s around 77-80°F. Another fan coming in so that’ll help. Hopefully this one turns out 100x better. Wish me luck!!!!

3 years ago


bigsammy Looking good

Day: 0

She sprouted and is starting her journey to give me some good flower 😂

3 years ago


lettuce97 hell yeah! fuck that first one lol

tridon Lmaoooo other one growing on the side still


lettuce97 OH FUCK YES BROTHER. i thought she had died from natural causes. carry her to the land!!! 🔱

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