

First Grow


First time growing

Barney's Dos Si Dos Auto

Day 101 (Week 15)


48 updates

427 photos

Day: 101


Can't keep the heat down, trichomes are starting to go amber so it was time to chop. She's looking quite rough from the heat but let's hope she can dry slow 🤞🏻

3 months ago


organic_grower That didn't look ready at all.

Day: 100


Day 100 god damn 😂 she's crispy but the buds are looking dank still. Trichomes are starting to look a little cloudy.

3 months ago

Day: 96


She got crispy af 😂 buds are still looking great otherwise though.

3 months ago

Day: 92



3 months ago

Day: 91


Tent got a little too dry in this heat and burnt some of the leaf tips, not too worried about it though. Buds are looking very happy 😃

3 months ago

Day: 88



3 months ago


GroFoSho Those look amazing!! Don’t forget to trim those fan leaves don’t want any mold forming.


RamblinRose Oh word ok, just get rid of all fan leaves at this point?


GroFoSho Not all but definitely the ones blocking the light of the other buds and the discolored ones . that will help proper ventilation, and it helps promote more growth 

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Day: 85


Finally seeing trichomes everywhere. Smells dank af

3 months ago


4Viople2Purlet0 looking very strong brother. 💯

Day: 83


She seems super happy at 12/12 now

3 months ago

Day: 80


Flipped the lights to 12/12 yesterday. It may be placebo but it seems to have already made a slight improvement.

4 months ago


combatmedic81 Looks like she has been flowering for a min. I’ve never grown an auto , but heard you should just give it 18-20 hours of light since it flowers on its own. I could be wrong though.


RamblinRose Yes that is typically the case but she's been stuck in the Pom Pom stage for about 30 days now. I was talking to someone on Reddit yesterday and they were telling me that I most likely have an auto photo hybrid. So it started to flower as an auto would and then got stuck in this phase waiting for the lights to flip, theoretically. We will see!

Day: 79


Damn forgot to post on here for like a week. She's been struggling still but the buds are somewhat starting to size up.

4 months ago

Day: 72


Most of the yellow has cleared up finally. Tons of small buds, hope they start fattening up here soon!

4 months ago

Day: 68

Leaves really flattened out today

4 months ago

Day: 66


Looking even better today 🤙🏻

4 months ago

Day: 65


Fed Lotus Bloom and Lotus Boost yesterday. She seems to be bouncing back from whatever was going on.

4 months ago

Day: 63


Sooo many bud sites popping up. Should I still be weaving in the trellis or should I just let it grow at this point and not disturb the buds as I have been?

4 months ago


BizzareLand You do you bro just make sure all colas get light, you can obvi keep them growing after the first harvest to get the bottom girls

bigo32 I would try and even out the canopy as best as you can by weaving, but your plant looks hungry too. Are you feeding nutrients?

Day: 61


She was getting thick so I thinned her out. Seems like turning the light down was a good move, has also helped keep temps down in this heat. 🤙🏻

4 months ago


@eaegifts Looks good, gonna be a nice yield 👏🏾👏🏾

Day: 58


I think she needs some nutes, little bit of brown popping up. Will feed lotus bloom next water. Pistils are really starting to show now.

4 months ago


BobbyGrowMoBack If this is soil and you transplanted within 5 weeks, do not feed her. That browning is not from a lack of nutrients. How often do you water and do you get run off?


RamblinRose So it is soil, but I've never transplanted. I germinated the seed in the 7 gallon pot, which was layered with happy frog, ocean forest, and strawberry fields from Fox Farms. The thought is as the roots grow they hit the different nutrients they need. At this point though it's most likely all depleted, I would definitely just grow in coco next time so I have more control over the nutrients. I water once or twice a week until it runs through, depending on when the top inch of soil dries out.


BobbyGrowMoBack Bingo: you’re watering to much, to frequent 7 gallon pot I know can go for 10-12 days before you really should be watering which is also another problem because that’s take 2 long. If it’s a 12” tall pot and you test the dry by the top 1” then at least 6” deep in the soil it is still wet. Which is not allowing the roots to dry out and search for water, so they stay at the bottom (where it’s wet) also not allowing a strong root system to develop. Now for your light: you probably have your light turned up to much which is forcing the plant to extinguish the energy, the light is feeding it with a poor root system the plant will start feeding on itself, which is causing the browning. There’s not a strong enough root system for the light you’re giving her. Join my discord and I’ll guide you through that coco run!

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Day: 56


Going strong still. Fan is working hard in this heat wave.

4 months ago


Spyderbug Gooks great!!

bigo32 Great training!

Day: 54


Can't get this tent to cool down and I don't want to run my AC yet. Let's see how a bowl of ice cubes does 😂😂

4 months ago


@eaegifts Make a bottle of sugar and yeast co2 to take advantage of the heat 👍🏾


RamblinRose Oh rad I didn't know that was a thing but makes sense. Will do for sure. Thank you!


@eaegifts Be sure to look up a diy video so you don’t forget the air holes and it explodes, horrible mess to clean up lol

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Day: 53



4 months ago

Day: 51


Lollipopped. Probably going to do a little more in a day or two. Smelling very peppery in here haha?

4 months ago

Day: 49


Flattened her out. Looking much better after the light flush! Can't decide if I want to lollipop it or just let it be.

5 months ago


combatmedic81 My opinion- lollipop or I call it strip and flip . Send that energy to the right places

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 👆🏾💯

Day: 48


Still getting taller 😬 hopefully it chills out soon before it outgrows this 2x2x4.

5 months ago

Day: 46


Little bit of nute burn going on, going to give her a heavier water tomorrow to lightly flush it out. I don't think it's progressing much past a few of the older leaves. Growing steady otherwise 👌🏼

5 months ago


BizzareLand How can you tell nute burn?


RamblinRose It just happened right after my first feeding and it looks similar to photos online. So that's just my best guess really

Day: 44


Steady growing! Little bit of yellow popping up but I'm not too worried about it yet.

5 months ago

Day: 42


Shaped her up

5 months ago

Day: 39


Flower has begun! Pretty impossible to get a picture of but there are some pistils starting to pop on all of the bud sites. 🌸

5 months ago

Day: 38


Continuing to fill out the tent nicely. First feeding today. I fed 1.5tsp of Lotus Grow, .5tsp of Lotus CalMag, and .5tsp of Lotus Bloom.

5 months ago

Day: 37


She slowed down a little after all of the trimming but I think she's starting to bounce back now. Going to add some nutes next watering for the first time.

5 months ago

Day: 35


Trimmed a lot of the bulk off to open her up. Turned the light down a little, think she was starting to get a little burnt. Smelling great 👌🏼

5 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 You are having some ph issue coming or some deficiency light burn would make leafs taco like or burned tips.

Day: 33


Starting to stretch

5 months ago

Day: 31


Little bit of defoliating and some bending. Going to wait a few more days to do anything heavier.

5 months ago

Day: 29


She's popping off right now. First contact with the trellis

5 months ago

Day: 27


Defoliated a little and tucked a few branches. Filling in nicely!

5 months ago


@eaegifts Looking really good! I’ve grown a few autos and some fems from Barney’s in the past and you’re rite on point 👍🏾💚


@eaegifts I’d open her up some to get light to the middle lower stuff, in my experience they start the pre-flower stretch around day 35


RamblinRose Ok word good to know! Thanks for the advice

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Day: 25

Noticing some yellowing/burnt tips. Can't tell if it's too much light, too much nutrients, or a watering issue.

5 months ago

Day: 24


Set the trellis up

5 months ago

Day: 22

Topped her

5 months ago

Day: 19


Getting close to topping time. Going to let 3 more sets of leave grow out, including the 2 new ones starting here ✂️

6 months ago

Day: 17


6 months ago

Day: 15



6 months ago


blacksunset Looking good. Happy growing bro! 🤙🏽🪴

Day: 13

Looking happy?

6 months ago


Tonyd133 Good start

Day: 11


Second set of leaves coming in nice

6 months ago

Day: 9


9 days in, going steady

6 months ago

Day: 7

1 Week

6 months ago

Day: 6


Going steady! Added a humidifier

6 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 Starts making circles when watering let roots chase the water don’t over water her.

Day: 5

Standing up looking nice. Misted the top soil and removed the Humidity dome. Will add a humidifier to the tent this afternoon.

6 months ago

Day: 4

First sign of a Germination.

6 months ago

Day: 1

Seed planted straight in soil. Soil is 1/3 FF Strawberry Fields on the bottom, 2/3 FFOF on top, with a solo cup sized plug of FF Happy Frog in the center for germination. Dusting of Diatomaceous Earth

6 months ago