Farmer’s Wife

Farmer’s Wife

White Widow AF

Planted 6/5

Planted 3 seeds

White Widow AF

Day 63 (Week 9)


16 updates

41 photos

Day: 63

Very happy with the harvest of our three White Widows - over a pound and a half wet! Will dry for 7-10 in a mesh cage before curing. Easy to keep the humidity steady in our area, but temp is always a challenge. Updates in a week or two!

2 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Congrats 🍾


Secman 👍 nice

Day: 62


Well, we left the babies for a week (a neighbor watered daily) and we’ve returned to find a jungle! Looks like it’s harvest time!

2 years ago

Day: 48

Gave #1 and #2 CalMag today.  1.5L water per day each.  50% RH.

2 years ago

Coffee Blk I hope my WW plant looks like those when it gets to that stage.

Day: 46

Still at 1.5L water per day;  gave #3 a dose of CalMag after noting some spotting on a few leaves.  

2 years ago

Day: 45

No water/light changes, fed nutrients yesterday. Not sure why #3 is so stalky while #1’s buds are nice and full…

2 years ago


Caliban Looking good!! Soon those stems will need support for the fat buds

Day: 40

1.5 L of water each per day Humidity around 50% 20 on 4 off

2 years ago


awesomeniemeier Coming along nicely.


HeritageSecretGarden Looking good 😎


briterane Thanks guys!

Day: 33

Topped again and feeding them fox farms grow big and big bloom

2 years ago

Day: 28

Started them on nutrients this week

2 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Looking good 👍 😎

Day: 23

Topped them yesterday. They’ve gotten a really nice dark green color to them. First time with WW, so it could be standard, but these plans seem to be growing quickly!

2 years ago


gpurps Looking good 👍 WW I’ve seen on here get huge too! Maybe my next run, good luck.


rhanneman1 Looking good! I pulled 92 grams from my ww auto last week. And I barely know what I'm doing 😂

Day: 21

No changes to care, but getting big!

2 years ago

Day: 18

No changes

2 years ago

Day: 15

Still on water only, no nutrients yet.

3 years ago

Day: 11


Plant #1 has some yellowing on the tips of some leaves

3 years ago


SvenGali1102 I’ve read white widows are notorious that.. mine had it as well

Day: 8

Plant 3, no change

3 years ago

Day: 6


Plants 1, 2, 3. Bottle green houses came off today!

3 years ago


MamaSmokes How long. Do you like to keep the bottle green house on


briterane About a week

Day: 3

Two sprouts!

3 years ago