

First Ever Grow

Learning as I go

Starting my first ever grow with auto flowers or any bud for a meter of fact but everything it worth trying at least once ! I have OGKush(OGK) and White Widow(WW) at my first try if you have any advice or shopping sites for deals and helpful advice all is welcome ! Wish me luckπŸ€

OG Kush +White Widow

Day 6969 (Week 996)

20 updates

39 photos

Day: 6969

Not my bud but I feel like this is mostly pollen not Keef hbecause when I crack a bud it legit looks like a smoke πŸ’¨ comes off it like there is a fuck ton of pollen any ideas I know who grew it too so if they should be doing something to help with this let me know or if it’s normal but I have never seen bud like this really

3 years ago

bori Could be wrong but looks like bud rot to me


MamaSmokes It leaves hella powder when u break it open

bori Yeah looks like that’s powdery mildew

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Day: 57


The buds are like super thick and I’m so excited my second one is a little behind but has always been a lighter plans any ideas?

3 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Needs food and do you ph you water?

Day: 41

Came back from vacation and switched them over my friend killed one of my sprouts but I revived the other one before it was to late. When and how do u start netting OGKush is in plastic white widow is in fabric

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž


Oiasis To trellis you want to set your trellis above your plant and for every hole in the net place one branch inside/50 holes/50 branches or offshoots of a branch the concept is the same fill in every hole.


Oiasis Those are personal sized plants so you don’t need to trellis you can place a stick if they get to heavy

Day: 36

About to move them to the final plants pot

3 years ago


Oiasis Dial your light down a bit the tips of your leaves are turning yellow because the light is to close or to high (intensity)


MamaSmokes Yeah I just got home from being gone for a week my bf never moved the light higher as they got taller … so I’m trying to fix that lol


Oiasis Looks like they may want a tad more nitrogen to maintain the darker green color and some water just to keep the top soil from becoming dehydrated

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Day: 28

They got their first tie down and already bounced back to look into the lights

3 years ago

Day: 21

Go bad bitch go bad bitch goοΏΌ!

3 years ago


combatmedic81 If you transplant to a bigger pots try adding some perlolite in there to break the soil up that comes with it

Day: 20

Just keep swimming just keep swimming ….. ADAH has not helped me keep busy as my girls grow πŸ˜‚

3 years ago

stakzup U wanna get married


MamaSmokes Hahaha maybe

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

Day: 19

Were transferred to bigger pots yesterday and they seem to be holding well

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž


MamaSmokes Ur hype ups legit make my day I’m so excited I feel like I check them ever five minutes πŸ˜‚

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Patience πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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Day: 18

Move if the girls to larger pots today !

3 years ago

Day: 16

Keep it up!

3 years ago


organic_grower Plants are looking good Mama πŸ‘

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot When you transplant make sure you transplant into soil that has better drainage. These plants love perlite, coco coir, Pete moss.


MamaSmokes Yeah I talked to a girl at the garden store she is special ordering it for me they are trying to get the boss to order more 420 friendly products like Ferts. Soil. And more

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Day: 15

I feel the same way at about these girls and my own she’s 5 and they are 15 days and they are both growing up so fast πŸ₯°πŸ˜

3 years ago

Day: 14

Thirsty girls don’t worry I’m not leaving all that water there just 15 mins of water soaks then I pore the rest out little bit if top watering but that’s it they were dry this morning forgot to check them last night

3 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Looking good, though you may want to get the humidity up to 70% at this stage and thru veg., so they can flourish and you want to let your soil get dry between waterings good growing 😎


Secman Pour in a circle around the girls. Makes the roots spread. Well that’s what I’ve heard.


MamaSmokes Okay I will try that next watering

Day: 12

Is my heat and humidity at the right range? The White widow has perked up I think I was just adding to much water .

3 years ago


GreatScottBuds Especially at the young stage, yes this is fine

Day: 11

Going to get my official set up today 🀩🀩🀩πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ OGK is catching up quick ! Will post full set up photos later today

3 years ago


gpurps Off to a great start there Mama πŸ‘


MamaSmokes I just updated with the new tent pictures they have only been in the new tent with the new light for maybe 4 hrs and they already look happier with the real led grow light !


gpurps Awesome! Happy to hear ✌️

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Day: 11


Got the new tent setup at 12! So excited

3 years ago

Mega Pint 🍺 Nice set up πŸ‘Œ What you running?


Secman 2x2 tent?

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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Day: 9

Working hard or hardly working lol πŸ˜‚ slow but they getting there any tips on how to keep from having to spin my plants I find them wandering to one side or the other

3 years ago


Discpimp Try to get the light as directly overhead as possible. They might be reaching for the light source.


co8ra2 Add some perlite to the soil. Needs plenty of drainage. πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½


MamaSmokes Okay ! Thank you guys !

Day: 8


They starting to look so cute πŸ₯° Day 5-8. (OGK has the purple twist tie ) WW is only one day ahead.

3 years ago


BINAII Do you mind if I leave some tips here?

Day: 4

OGK not far behind going into the soil today!

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz

Day: 3

WW heading into the soil after sitting in a paper towel for 48 hr in dark cabinets

3 years ago

Day: 1

Shot glass with water placed in dark cabinets starts for both WW + OGK

3 years ago


gabby24 i read a lot about people soaking their seeds before placing into a dark place in a damp paper towel/baggie, im currently on day 8 and i still have no signs of root ): im not sure what to do!


MamaSmokes I only soak them for 12 , max 24 hrs and then place them in a paper towel if they are soft they are bad they will squish easy if they are really bad but roll the ends of the paper towel like stuffed crust and soak the rim i leaned it’s like a wick and helps u from running dry so u can keep it in a warmer dark area with out drying out


gabby24 omg thank you! i just checked on the seed and its deff bad, its squishy and there was like the root im guessing that when i pressed it, it squeezed out i feel bad about it and guilty lol but thank you! im got one more seed so im gonna try!

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