

Fall 2020

Fall 2020

7 gallon Fabric pots, led Cree cob 400watt lights. (8 x 50 watt)

Critical Kush x 3 and 1 Bruce Banner

Day 107 (Week 16)

8 updates

8 photos

Day: 107

Dried and in jars to cure. Did final trim and weight, came out with 286g of nice tight bid and 78 g of loose bud and sugar leafs for making bubble hash

4 years ago

WhyTeaBuds How big was the space you used while growing?


dudeface 3x3 tent

Day: 100


4 years ago

Day: 94

Started flush tonight

4 years ago

Day: 90

Watered today

4 years ago


samparadis69 Love the nugs !! Keep the good work man 😛


dudeface Thanks man it’s only my second grow but it already seems to be better than the first

Day: 87

Going nicely now, 2 weeks left

4 years ago

Day: 87

Critical kush

4 years ago

Day: 87

Bruce banner

4 years ago


ilsecastellon91 She is beautiful wow.!!!!! <<3333

Day: 76

40 days passed snap and all seems to be going well. Didn’t do really any trimming this crop.

4 years ago