
First Clone Run

May 2019

Three clones donated to me to continue my grow op. All were transplanted into ocean forest soil in 3 liter pots from solo cups. This is also a scrog grow with pushing the limits of a 36” grow tent with t5 lighting for vegging only.

2 White Widow, 1 Purple Punch

Day 24 (Week 4)

2 updates

8 photos

Day: 24

All is well with the clones. We had a minor powdery mildew scare on one girl and promptly installed a fan to help with humidity and air circulation. They are still on a 24/0 cycle with a T5 light.

6 years ago

Day: 8


The transition has been smooth for the clones so far, and one (white widow) already has hairs for her sex, which I don’t know if that could be a bad thing in the future or not. They all went from drooping and yellowing to green and vibrant which is a promising sign as well. Light cycle is 24/0 currently with half power t5 lighting.

6 years ago