Purple Punch
60/40 Perlite-FFOF
Purple Punch (FastBuds)
Day 46 (Week 7)
6 updates
12 photos
Day: 46

2 years ago
Day: 31

Doing pretty good nice even canopy
2 years ago
jbeeland I’m doing the same! Hopefully mine does this well. Only at 9 days
LoudestLoud Good luck m8 I’ll be honest I’ve only fed her once and watered 3 times since she’s sprouted other than that I’ve just let her do her thing pretty much so less is more I think and you should be doing good
LoudestLoud I also removed a couple of the larger fan leaves but I saw some posts saying I should’ve waited a little longer until flower to do that because it could get stunted but she seems fine
Day: 17

Turned up the light intensity. Both the wedding glue and purple punch are significantly smaller than the purple lemonade and forbidden runtz not sure if it’s because it’s a smaller pot or because when they sprouted they were stuck in they’re seed shell for a day ish and that could’ve stunted them too
2 years ago
Day: 15

Seems like new growth is yellowing a little any suggestions on why/what to do to counteract it
2 years ago
Day: 12

Day 10 nothing too notable tips look slightly burnt
2 years ago
Day: 7

Still hasn’t broken out of her shell seems otherwise healthy if she doesn’t naturally soon I might give her a hand
2 years ago