

Barney’s Farm Gorilla Skittlez

Started Feb 2022

3 gorilla skittlez. Paper towel method. Using sohum and coast of marine seed starter.

Gorilla Skittlez

Day 63 (Week 9)

7 updates

18 photos

Day: 63

First time. Thoughts on these? Autoflowers have them on 20/4 lights and started tiger bloom every other watering.

3 years ago

Danny Bravo

Danny Bravo Possible nute burn?


palmerama Could be that’s what I’m thinking. I put seeds directly into sohum soil I think it was too hot. Just Not sure where to go from here

Day: 55

One plant with yellow tips, the other with leaves kind of going upwards, any ideas? Autoflowers.

3 years ago


budman0211 Tips on the one are due to nitrogen toxicity. And the other looks like she is loving life!!


palmerama Anything I can do about the niteogen toxicity?


budman0211 Just give it straight water for a bit and new growth should look better. But would wait to see if any fellow growers have any different input first. Never go with one answer. Take a few ideas and go with what u think might be wrong.

Day: 44

Had one make took it out of the tent. Hopefully the other 2 are ok

3 years ago

Day: 43

Do I have a male/hermiphrodite??

3 years ago

603Grow Looks like it for sure

Peng Yep.


combatmedic81 Those look like balls

Day: 34


3 plants same strain. Seem to be all growing differently

3 years ago


HammertimeAZ Same thing happened to me they all started off different sizes but around day 30 everybody caught up and was the same so keep that mind day 30

Day: 21

Growing at different rates. Definitely a learning experience

3 years ago


CaptainCannaBeard Looks nice and dirty in there…. Perfect for mold and bacteria 🦠 growth. Clean your floor


CaptainCannaBeard Vacuum that shit up…

Day: 5

All 3 sprouted

3 years ago