
Tropicanna Cookies F2

Oni Seeds

Picked up these seeds from Oni @ Indo Expo Denver. Mostly as a science experiment.

Tropicanna Cookies F2

Day 208 (Week 30)

19 updates

24 photos

Day: 208


Harvested 'B' and put her back under 24h lights. Would you knowit, she's re-vegging. Using Jack's Classic Tomato FeED (12-15-30) at half recommended dosage at every watering. ...and...Tropicana F2 'C' cutting starting her journey.

5 years ago

Thisguysgrow Nice!!! I don’t have very good luck when it comes to reveg. I don’t do it very often though. I’ve killed a lot of amazing pheno 😢😢

Kiddoben I dried her out before I put her in the tent and started fertilizing. Bag seed died, this one bounced back.

Day: 142

A little puny, but still pretty.

6 years ago

Day: 141

Trop F2 'c' was outside because it looked like a male. It was not. It was however neglected because I've been at the hemp farm. We'll see if this helps.

6 years ago

Day: 140

Day 38 of flower. Tropicana F2 'B' and bag seed. Fertilized with Advanced Nutrients 'Big Bud'.

6 years ago

Day: 111

I’ve been gone for 4 days and Alexa continues to do her job well.

6 years ago

Day: 104

Proud 'mother'

6 years ago

Day: 102

I put Trop F2 ‘B’, bag seed, and my first rooted URC into flower today. I drenched the two 3gal with the hose for ~5 minutes per pot, then drenched in liquid soluble fert a few days ago. The pots are getting lighter, so time to cut the lights back and move the rest out.

6 years ago

Day: 97

I’ve been out of town for 5 days. My ‘Alexa’ has been doing her job well.

6 years ago

Day: 91

I’m going to move them all out except for one. I’m going to switch the tent to flower and start the process on the bag seed plant in back. This is my first grow, so if I need to learn something, I want to learn it on the bag seed. That’s the whole reason it lives, as a test subject so I don’t screw something up on the Tropicana Cookies. I’ve been ferting every other water with Jack’s Classic Tomato FeED diluted to half. I’ll probably give ‘C’ (bottom left)it’s last cut tomorrow sometime.

6 years ago

Day: 80

Leaving for 4 days. I topped 'c' for the last time.

6 years ago

Day: 66

Put a couple in 3gal with sunshine Pro-Mix. Top dressed with Osmocote. Their final home.

6 years ago

Day: 51

Trop f2 'F' training.

6 years ago

Day: 47

Nothing much new. All in quarts now. Only one left to cut.

6 years ago

Day: 42

I cut C when I transplanted. I didn't cut D. Trying to wait.

6 years ago

Day: 41


6 years ago

Day: 36

Transplanted in Fox Farms Salamader Mix, and cut 2. The plan is to transplant into either Pro-Mix or coco coir 5gals later.

6 years ago

Day: 31

Lost a few in the move. 6 left of 10.

6 years ago

Day: 12

Brought them home.

6 years ago

Day: 6

Planted in Pro-Mix with 1/2tsp osmocote topdressing.

6 years ago