

Sunset high octane & Chem Punch Clones

Fall 2023

Ac infinity compact growing tent 2x2x4 100W LED ionboard S22

☀️Sunset high octane & Chem Punch 🤛

Day 51 (Week 8)



54 updates

171 photos

Day: 51


Week 8 day 51 first week of flushing, No signs of leaves color change yet. Roughly two more weeks to go with these frost monsters 🔥

8 months ago

Rastaman 2.0

Rastaman 2.0 😮‍💨🥶🥶

Tok3n x Operator Any update on these ladies?

Day: 44


Week 7 day 44 I can say that both genetics are frost monsters (Purple Chem punch & Sunset High Octane)

8 months ago

Tok3n x Operator 🥶🥶🥶

Day: 38


Week 5 day 38- 2-3 more weeks to go for these frosty girls (Purple chem Punch) & (Sunset High octane)

9 months ago

Day: 34


Week 5 Day 34- frosty ☃️ season. plant’s definitely need a feeding today 5G of powdered veg/Bloom nutrients plus 5ML Cal/Mag into a 1 gallon bucket. PH level to 6.34. Each plants gets little over half gallon into a 3 gallon fabric pot.

9 months ago

Day: 30

Last day of 18/6 cycle going to Flip it to flowering tomorrow. Now that I have dial in how much water and nutrients they both like.

10 months ago

Day: 30


Week 4 day 30. Photos 2-4 are Purple Chem Punch(Chem-dawg X Purple Punch). 5-8 are Sunset high octane(Sunset Sherbet X High octane) By far my best grow and most colorful

9 months ago

Day: 29

Both plant got a feeding of 1 gallon each with 9G of veg/Bloom powder and 10ML Cal/Mag into a 3 gallon fabric pot.

10 months ago

Day: 28

Had to raise up the light, plants are starting to grow fast, must flip to flowering before they stretch to much for my tent size

10 months ago

Day: 28


Feeding day 5G of powder nutrients plus 5ML Cal/Mag. Ph water level 6.31 Purple Chem punch and Sunset high octane

9 months ago


tearbear48 Week 4 day 28

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Day: 27

Both plants are finally healthy and on the same feed cycle trying to go every 3-4 days on feeding, hopefully flipping to flowering by next week or two

10 months ago

Day: 26

Finally S.H.O is healthy again color should be back within a day or so after Feed breaks down. Chem punch is just loving life, But giving each plant little lollipop and LST to even out the canopy. Should I flip it to flowering day 30? Small 4” tent

10 months ago

Day: 26


Frosty 🥶

9 months ago

Day: 25

Chem punch and Sunset high octane feeding today. Gallon each into a three gallon fabric pot. 10Grams of powder veg/Bloom and 5ML of Cal/Mag into a two gallon bucket, also slight lollipop on the Chem punch 🤜

10 months ago

Day: 24

Both plants getting color back and each day the S.H.O getting better, definitely over water her, hopefully by tomorrow she praying toward the lights and hopefully they are ready for another feeding it’s gonna be day 4 since watering

10 months ago

Day: 23

Slowly but they are getting better day by day

10 months ago

Day: 23


This tiny tent doing something magical. Gonna feed them today when lights are back on. Just patiently waiting to see bud development

9 months ago


happyplants89 I see buds everywhere lol

Day: 22

CP bushing up nicely but the S.H.O is struggling still, hopefully she gets better want to switch to flowering soon

10 months ago


PopsGarden420 She looks hungry no?


tearbear48 Her pot was still wet and I also feed her on 2nd of November in a 3 gallon fabric pot, gave her a gallon, seems like last night she was bouncing back, I’m hoping today she looks happy as the chem Punch

Day: 22


Frost and nugget development are more visible

9 months ago

Day: 21

Chem punch is loving life right now and color slowly coming back but the SHO is definitely trying to bounce back after feeding yesterday, still looking droopy tho. if anyone knows what they think is going on let me know

10 months ago

Day: 21


Plants are stacking amazingly and frosting up nicely too. Did a feeding yesterday’s with 4.5G powder nutrients plus cal/Mag 5ML in a 1 gallon bucket. Gave each plant half gallon. Anyone see anything I should do?

9 months ago

Day: 20

Chem punch happy 😃 but Sunset high octane Sad 😞, both lacking nutrients. But gave them 8g of veg/Bloom powder nutrients plus cal/mag into a 2gallon bucket, each plant got 1 gallon of water. Hopefully nutrients watering makes them bounce back stronger

10 months ago

Day: 19

Probably another day til Feeding, will give them nutrients this time plus cal/mag

10 months ago

Day: 19


Plants are so happy 😀 gonna give them a feeding tomorrow

9 months ago

Day: 18

Finally got a humidifier, leaves are starting to fade, next feeding will add nutrients but have to wait, I don’t want to over water.

10 months ago

Day: 18


Plants are getting early frost and I’m loving the smell already

9 months ago


PopsGarden420 Like nice and healthy

Day: 17

Looks like the chem punch drinking more than the SHO, time to water

10 months ago

Day: 17

Leaves are slightly lighter should I give it some nutrients? Just been giving it PH balance tap water since transplanting a week ago, using fox farm ocean forest mixed with coco coir.

10 months ago


jamies-garden Needs some nutes. FFOF putters out around 3-ish weeks after planting etc. however I noticed when they get to your size it’s been time for nutes. I start fertilizing after 2 weeks post bean-pop 🫘 🌱


tearbear48 Alright thank you for the tips, will definitely be giving them nutrients, probably flipping them to flowering after couple more weeks, running a 2x2x4


jamies-garden They’re looking lovely. Just remember that the pre flower sites tend to look a little lighter in color as opposed to the fan leaves when they’re younger. Also, deficiencies will start to show up in the fan leaves first almost always.

Day: 17


Feeding day- 4.5G powder Veg/Bloom nutrients plus 4ML Cal/Mag into 1Gallon bucket Ph level 6.41.

9 months ago

Day: 16

Getting more even

10 months ago

Day: 15

Watering half liter each plant with 4ML of Cal/Mag no nutrients PH level 6.41

10 months ago

Day: 15


Seems like the stretching faze slow down, doing selective defoliation throughout the week. Stacking looking good and slight smell coming in. Both plants are super happy

9 months ago

Day: 14


Waiting to see if they’ll need nutrients after transplanting with fox farm ocean forest soil

10 months ago

Day: 14


Stacking looking good, now it smooth sailing from here. Hoping for one more week of the stretching faze cus I’ve outta room for height now

9 months ago

GrNadeGrade 💣

GrNadeGrade 💣 I’ve heard from a commercial grower that 80% of the stretch occurs in the first two weeks of flower 🌹, so you have that theory to use to gauge whether you’ll have enough room.


tearbear48 That’s what I’m hoping but sometimes different cultivars stretching faze last 3 weeks but I haven’t grown this one yet so idk

Day: 13


Working on evening out the plant

10 months ago

Day: 13


Feeding day with 4G powder veg/Bloom nutrients, didn’t add cal/mag this feeding, PH balanced to 6.51. Plants really showing stacking and pistol hairs.

9 months ago

Day: 12


Watering today, dechlorinated tap water PH balanced 6.31 Slowly trying to even out the tent

10 months ago

Day: 12


Ran outta light height, leaving the light close til stretching faze over, hopefully the last 6 inches I can use when buds fully develop. Small compact 2x2x4 tent

9 months ago

Day: 11

Transplant day, possibly might flip it to flowering in a few weeks. 2x2x4 Ac infinity compact tent, Also added a trellis net to slow down height growth

10 months ago

Day: 11


Pistol hairs and bud development surely showing now, gonna watering today with 4G powder Veg/Bloom nutrients and 10ML cal/Mag into a 1gallon bucket. Each plant will be getting half gallon each.

9 months ago

Day: 10

Week 2 clones to soil

a year ago

Day: 10


Been doing selective defoliation each day, canopy pretty much even. More pistol hair are showing, definitely will need a feeding tomorrow.

10 months ago

Day: 9

When should I Transplant

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James If they’re photos I transplant after they need water every day. This way you know the root zone is filling the pot

Day: 9


This tiny 2x2x4 tent is really getting filled up now, slowly running outta height and space. Both plants will probably needing a feeding tomorrow

10 months ago

Day: 8

One more week till transplant to a 3 Gallon fabric pot. SHO (Right Plant) & Chem Punch (Left Plant)

a year ago

a Joe grow

a Joe grow Looks like the right one is going to straighten out before it makes a knuckle. Try using some grow wire to keep it it place


tearbear48 I think it’s cus I’m giving a a slight LST but I’ll keep that in mind if it start leaning more

Day: 8


They are hitting stretching stage, canopy pretty even too. Gonna water today. Each plant will get half gallon each with 4G powder nutrients and cal/mag 10ML and water PH balanced to 6.31

10 months ago

Day: 7

Slight LST

a year ago

Day: 7


Little pistol hairs showing but really no signs of stretching yet

10 months ago

Day: 6


Finally got both plants dialed in with how much water and nutrients, they are pray 🙏🏾

10 months ago

Day: 5


Both plants are extremely happy, gonna cut down on less water and less Nutrients, gotta keep them thriving

10 months ago

Day: 4


Might have to cut out what’s below the trellis gonna give it some time to see if it start stretching pass it, both plants are definitely gonna need a watering tomorrow

10 months ago

Day: 3


Really doing some LST with the trellis no signs of stretching yet

10 months ago

Day: 2


Plants haven’t reacted to 12/12 cycle yet but showing signs of growth and slight stretching  rn. Doing some LST to slow down height and even canopy. Chem punch seems to be needing water every 3 days but S.H.O seems wanting a Feeding every 4.

10 months ago

Day: 1

Clone to coco coir soil

a year ago

Day: 1


First day of 12/12 light cycle, plants are loving the switch already praying towards this light 100w LED light LST to even out the canopy, also doing selective defoliation 

10 months ago