Blue Cheese clone
First BC clone
I have no idea what I’m doing :) but it’s fun
blue Cheese
Day 40 (Week 6)
5 updates
5 photos
Day: 40

After talking with a few growers it was suggested I take a look at root system. I dug up the roots very carefully, not much mass going on here, looked rather puny. Reported in a 5 gallon with Happy Frog and watered well with pH balanced water. She looks a little pissy right now but I suspect in a few days we she see some improvement.
6 years ago
Day: 40

Day one in 1 gallon pot-clone
6 years ago
Day: 40

June 26 we have some veg growth, have been alternating water with feening fish water for food.
6 years ago
Day: 40

June 17th not much going on
6 years ago
Day: 40

June 4th - manifold This plant does not like to be manifolded
6 years ago