Sherbet Auto
FFOF 3 gal
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Seed stockers sherbet auto
Day 80 (Week 12)
13 updates
15 photos
Day: 80
She looking about done,will chop end of week
3 years ago
Day: 59
Shes doing the best now, with a lot of thick branches and healthy leaves, nodes are showing all over
3 years ago
Day: 52
Gave her 2 waterings since last update , so far so good. A lot of bud sites forming
3 years ago
Day: 42
The most dramatic of the bunch looking good
3 years ago
Day: 37
She started showing some pistils, going to water with nutes and epsom salt
3 years ago
Day: 31
Shes doing okay, still discoloration in some leaves
3 years ago
Day: 24
Her latest growth seems to be better, just lstd her to give light to the lower thinner branches. Also gave nutes with some epsom salt included in the water
3 years ago
HammertimeAZ Looks good
Day: 19
Im really not sure why the leaves look discolored and “blotchy” im thinking its just bad genetics
3 years ago
Caliban How is your ph going in? And what do you use for Cal-Mg?
lawntools Hey thanks for the reply man, the ph of my water is 7 and the soil is at 6.5. My other plants are fine but maybe i can look into a cal-mag additive
Caliban Use Epsom salts every watering. About 1tsp gallon. They plants love it.
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Day: 15
Some yellowing on leaves and looks like new leaf growth is weak, But gave her some mosquito bits to stop gnats with water and a little bit of advanced nutes “micro bloom grow “
3 years ago
Day: 13
Checking in, so far so good (installed 24w sansi led bulb to help burple i have with spectrum)
3 years ago
Day: 11
Checkin: introduced fans because i saw a few gnats. Going to try to keep soil moisture down
3 years ago
Day: 9
Check in
3 years ago
Day: 8
3 years ago