
First Grow

Winter 2019

Started in closet with tin foil on walls Moved to 2x4x5 tent (wish) during Veg 1500W Wakyme growlight (Amazon) Peak Harvest Grow 4-2-2.5 (9ml/1gal) Peak Harvest Bloom 2-5-0.2 (9ml/1gal) Pro-TeKt Silicon Solution 0-0-3 (veg & bloom) (5ml/1gal) Started in small plastic pots and transplanted into 2 Gallon fabric pots, 1 week before flower transplanted into 5 gallon fabric pots Needed to flush a few days after Christmas for an over feeding issue and bounced right back. 2 males had to be removed and 1 plant is still undecided. We have taken it out of the tent until it shows to keep our 2 girls happy!

Bag seed (Input welcomed & appreciated!)

Day 139 (Week 20)

14 updates

53 photos

Day: 139

First time using butane to make BHO dabs! Made using trim, ground stems, and popcorn buds

5 years ago

Day: 130

Curing process going well!!

5 years ago

Day: 119

Harvest Day!

5 years ago

Day: 118


Pre-Harvest pictures!

5 years ago

Day: 116


Week 10 flower Almost harvest time! Been only giving water since week 6. Started flushing too soon because we didn’t know the strain details. We have been waiting for the trichomes to turn amber in the buds themselves and we are starting to see a few. Temperature- 65.2* Humidity- 57%

5 years ago

Day: 105

During week 8 of flower Now just waiting for the trichomes to turn amber! Still only giving her water to flush out the nutrients

5 years ago

Day: 95

During week 7 of flower! Any advice on our last couple weeks would be greatly appreciated! We are currently trying to figure out when we should flush them!

5 years ago

Day: 89

Temperature 62•F Humidity 67% (after watering) Middle of week 6 🌸 Full feed of nutrients half gallon each A good amount of fan leaves have been turning yellow on us on our left girl so we got rid of some that were very yellow A lot of the pistols have started turning amber and now trying to figure out when we should flush them!

5 years ago

Guttaboy9 Nice grow

Day: 89

More pictures with the lights off and the camera flash on!

5 years ago

Day: 80


Week 5 of flower starts today! Been watering with nutrients every 3 days. We have a couple fan leaves starting to turn yellow and some of our pistols are already turning Amber. We have yet to get a carbon filter but we have a second fan blowing through the bottom vent of the tent. Humidity has been ranging from 50s - high 60s after watering day.

5 years ago

Day: 69

We got home home from work and our girls were dropping at the stems badly. We gave them water and they seem to be perking up just look droopy from the water now. Pistols at all the bud sites look awesome! We de-fanned a bit over the last few days and tied/stretched them out a bit more because they have been getting to tall for our 5 foot tent. Temperature- 68.6•F Humidity- 49% We put a dehumidifying bag in our tent to lower our humidity during the day when we aren’t home to open the tent and it is collecting water and working well!

5 years ago

Day: 61


Just watered with a full dose of nutrients. We had to tie a few branches down because they were getting too close to the light. All bud sites seem to be getting fuller with pistols every time we look at it. Temperature 72.7•F Humidity 57%

5 years ago

Day: 59


Half feeding the girls with the Bloom formula. 1/2 gallon each Bunches of pistols are forming around the bud sites and they seem to be loving their dark cycle! The plants are getting close to the lights and not all of the tops seem to be getting light. Humidity-70% Temperature- 64•F

5 years ago

Day: 55

Humidity 76% Temperature 71.1•F Day 4 of Flower (changed light cycle to 12/12) Pistols are forming rapidly. Clones (in rock wool) have not yet shown any roots but look good. Half feed on day 54 (yesterday) using the Peak Harvest Bloom for the first time and also still using the Pro-teKt Silicon solution.

5 years ago