Venom OG Grow
Jan 2021
5 Venom OG plants
Venom OG
Day 81 (Week 12)
7 updates
7 photos
Day: 81

Here they are gotta get better at documenting the ladies but pretty cool to see everything play out the way it has and fortunately haven’t ran into any issues with the grow so far (call it beginners luck cause I Lowkey don’t know what I’m doing 😂)
4 years ago
Day: 66

Been in flowering for about a week or so. Ended up having to get ride of two plants because they were males so 3/5 were females and I’m cool with that. First grow has been a success so far. I’m learning a lot.
4 years ago
Day: 58

Been slacking on the updates but we are back and the plants are looking good hoping to sex em soon so I got them on 12:12 glad that my first grow has been a success so far !
4 years ago
Day: 33

Plants are doing great grew about 2 inches trying to stretch them out a bit
4 years ago
greengrowlady Looks great! 🌱👌
MTP_Grows Thank you @greengrowlady
Day: 23

The plants are doing great. Waiting for them to recover from topping then I plan on doing some LST
4 years ago
Day: 17

Just topped the plants for the first time things are looking pretty good
4 years ago
Day: 12

This and my first time growing and I would appreciate any tips and tricks to get these plants to harvest. Really excited to be part of the community !!!
4 years ago
combatmedic81 Are they autos?
MTP_Grows Nope they are photoperiods @combatmedic81
lilfaze They look good
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