Summer 2022 (started Jan 9th)
Going to try and share more of my process
How I prep my garden
Not sure yet
Day 14 (Week 2)
4 updates
9 photos
Day: 14
K made my pile right then last week I put on a pile of fresh green plants I foraged locally it was about half the size of my compost pile then i realized I need to yo my browns so I got a bale of straw….I am adding about ten cups bio char, 5 cups Acadian kelp and one gallon of crushed local oyster shells …I will work in all this (pic 2 and 3) as I flip the pile…pic three is the straw after I add kelp,bio char, shells…I will now add some compost then repeat until I worm my way through it all
3 years ago
organic_grower Cook that pile!! Nice organic work👍
Day: 14
Under this cover crop was a few inches of straw mulch that I covered with some peat when I sowed the cover…today I’m gonna cut it all down then turn and chop up the top 4” or so then cover with compost, mulch and sow clover…we’ll see…first time putting ideas into reality like this…wonder what my learning curve will be…outdoor is a real challenge to get that same 3x a grade…anyone have tips on bringing that quality up without molding outdoor? Second pic is once I chopped and tilled the top 10” ( decided as I went). I added bio char, crushed oyster shell, gypsum flour and kelp meal, crab, meal amdkaranja meal now I will smother with compost then cover crop then mulch lightly and we’ll see
3 years ago
Day: 0
Compost is 18 days old. Turned yesterday and added “greens”. Ration is around is 1/4-1/3 green(cover crop and leaves) -2/3-3/4 brown(1/4woodchips , 3/4 straw)
3 years ago
Day: 0
These two had the cover crop chopped and then I covered in manure and then staw
3 years ago
pjizzle And I have yet to chop and smother them replant that cover on the bed