
Mystery outdoor indoor

Winter/spring of 2019

Tried to top it pretty sure I filmed it I would say three tops

Guessing a hybrid very stout plant

Day 84 (Week 12)

6 updates

6 photos

Day: 84


6 years ago

Day: 84

Lollipoped and getting ready for flower

6 years ago

Day: 83

20" tall 40" around

6 years ago

Hoober Looks like some Reggie Jackson if you ask me

Mohan33 Might be I really have no clue

Hoober I’m just kidding brotha. Hopefully it’s some dank dank

Day: 73

Screen of green method?

6 years ago

Day: 55

16" tall bushy

6 years ago

Day: 46

First time grower!

6 years ago

LilDrew1K Dang wish you would’ve posted earlier. Curious to how it was looking young looking good so far! 👍🏽

Mohan33 I fimmed it ended up with three tops and one under branch