Hazy margarita
Flower winter 2019
Three females had one male removed early flower stage. Two 240 watt led with ir. Two 300 cmh lights. Temperature set between 70-85. Grown in a 4x8 tent.
Hazy margartia jack the ripper x mimmosa sub cool genetics
Day 67 (Week 10)
1 update
1 photo
Day: 67

Day 18 of flower Day three of using canna a and b 50 mlg cannazyme 47mlg canna boos 50mlg and cal mag 50 mlg per 5gal R/O purified water ph to 5.7. Two feedings one at 11am and one at 6pm plants 2amd3 received 1.25 gallons each feeding and plant 1 received 2 gallons each feeding. All defects in plant 3 have backed off and she looks green healthy and happy. The girls have done really well with the addition of the 2x 300 watt cmh.
5 years ago