
GMO Cookies - Indoor (feminized)

First grow attempt - I’m a newbie

Two GMO Cookies plants from feminized seeds. Growing indoors and cultivating in Indicanja soil. Using 150w LBW LED panel grow light w/2800 lumen, timer set on for 0530 to 0000, from 0000 to 0530, complete darkness.

GMO Cookies

Day 6 (Week 1)


2 updates

2 photos

Day: 6

LED set to come on at 0645 and off at 0045. The stem from this one looks very weak, is there a way to correct/help it? Seems to be growing “up” very fast but stem is very thin as a result.

8 months ago


ganjasaur3 Put a small breeze on it ,plant will sense wind and develop stem strength also potassium and phosphorus help stimulate stem and root growth

LSJackson72 @ganjasaur3 thank you so much. Will do!

Day: 5

Leaves forming on both sprouts

8 months ago