

Tropical Mirage

Summer 24

2 Tropical Mirage (RQS) 1 OG Kush ( RQS) 1 Girl Scout cookies (Nirvana)

Tropical Mirage & OGK

Day 110 (Week 16)



107 updates

329 photos

Day: 110


Decided to do a lil cleaning up on the older ladies

an hour ago

Day: 109


Watered the older 2 today about a half gallon each

a day ago

wyattwelding101 Happy to update that I started to smoke the OG Kush and let's just say I feel like I started smoking again. The high was way more than dispo premium and lasted longer... must be the lack of growth hormones and the 100% organic way that is the difference. Seriously blown away hope you get same results big dog everything looking insane so far!!


ganjasaur3 Hell yeah bub! I’m glad to here the good news 😌 I was actually just ordering a new trim tray online lol I’m wanting to chop a couple soon !


ganjasaur3 I’m excited for the og kush but I have a feeling the real star of the show at my grow is gonna be the tropical mirage, she’s almost completely purple now and super frosty. She’s got a subtle fruity smell to her

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Day: 108


I’m thinking about another week or so on the older ladies

2 days ago

Day: 107


Fed the younger 2 today….

3 days ago

Pottimus Hey man how does my mimosa look? I’m a fairly new grower and want some insight from someone with more experience


ganjasaur3 I looked at it and I would say it looks healthy , may need some lst down the rd , that tent looks a little short . I’d lay them girls over

Day: 106


Kicking off the flush cycle for the older 2 ladies , just ph balanced water for 1-2 weeks(they got 3/4 gallon each today) , may chop the tops off next week and give the bottoms extra time … still trying to decide , nothing for the younger ones today

4 days ago


ajam_fam Have you tested flushing vs not flushing?


ganjasaur3 No , I’ve flushed every grow I’ve done

wyattwelding101 I will say it is a lot easier and more even to dry the plant when it's fully hung as one. I also was deterred from chopping in phases because that is super high stress for the rest of the plant and it may make its last ditch to try to stay alive and turn Herm. Your bottom buds should be almost as developed as top especially since there isn't alot of foliage in the way blocking them. My food for thought I was also in same predicament and choose other wise I wish u best of luck and I am amazed by the progress so far good job Growmie!

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Day: 104


Flipped my picture again for some reason , anyway just drinkin up the water

6 days ago


seriousjamie Thought I was really high for a second then I remembered I can read


seriousjamie I see I’m not the only one that lets the leaves fade out hard before defoliating


ganjasaur3 Indeed , you are not alone lol

Day: 103


Fed all 4 a half gallon each , younger ones getting a more potent compost tea (week3 going on 4), and the older ones just getting ph balanced water and molasses with just a dash of calmag ( week 8 going on 9)

7 days ago

Day: 102


Checkin out that sugar ❄️

8 days ago

Day: 101


Aroma continues to evolve and develop

9 days ago

wyattwelding101 Looks amazing!


ganjasaur3 Thanks bub , did you get yours cured yet?

wyattwelding101 I am officially done drying today and starting the curing process today

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Day: 100


Fed all four of them today , half gallon each. Just water, calmag, and molasses for the older 2 and same thing on the younger two , including biocanna Flores and bioboost

10 days ago

Day: 99


Going well, the scents of the two older ones is very distinct for each one , I can certainly smell the difference. Both aromas are certainly seeming more mature

11 days ago

Day: 98


Soaking up that water 💦

12 days ago

Day: 97


Fed the older 2 half gal each with just water, calmag, and molasses , the younger 2 got the same thing but with biocanna Flores and bioboost added as well

13 days ago

Day: 96


Little defoliation on the younger two also got the co2 replenished!

14 days ago

Day: 95


Scents are growing stronger!

15 days ago

Day: 94


Looking good, going to have to replenish co2 this weekend just looked for the first time in awhile and the tanks about empty . (Don’t know why some of the pics flipped over) Going on week 7 for the older 2

16 days ago


ganjasaur3 Week 2 of flower on the younger 2

Day: 93


Fed a half gallon each today , they were definitely thirsty

17 days ago

Day: 92


Couple trich shots pic 1 is tropical mirage, pic 2 is ogk

18 days ago

Day: 91


Purple hues really starting to come through on tm

19 days ago

Day: 90


Fed a quart each today ! Little pruning/lst on the younger ladies

20 days ago

Day: 89


Pic 2 is tropical mirage mother , pic 3 is Girl Scout cookies mother, pic 4 is og kush mother , pic 5 is tm clone

21 days ago

wyattwelding101 Crazy how much different our OG kush is still blows my mind


ganjasaur3 Right ! Mine is slightly mutated but it shouldn’t look that different lol

Day: 88


Coming up on chop time here before long , just set up a new little tent specifically for drying and perhaps seedlings if timing works out

22 days ago

Day: 87


Soaking in up !

23 days ago

Day: 86


Fed a quart each today , biocanna Flores , recharge , bioboost , calmag ph @5.8 ***** Mark today as first official week of flower for tm clone and Gsc mother *********

24 days ago

wyattwelding101 Looks good!!!


ganjasaur3 Thank you 🙏🏼

Day: 85


Turned off the fan for a couple hours and the whole house began to smell

25 days ago

Day: 84


Quite the fade on ogk about 5 weeks of flowering 16 days 12/12 for Gsc 22 Days 12/12 for tm clone

a month ago

Day: 83


Drinkin it up!

a month ago

Day: 82


Top dressed, fed, defoiled, lst . Switched co2 dispenser over to clone tent so I can run flower tent fan more often without draining my tank , they will still get plenty of co2 just from sharing the lung room , confirmed with monitor

a month ago

Day: 81


Lookin good! Coming up on a month of flowering for the mothers

a month ago

Day: 80


Smellin nice 👍

a month ago

wyattwelding101 Looks funky 🦨🔥🫡


ganjasaur3 Forsure! The ogk has a pungent , spicy , earthy kinda smell and the Tropical mirage is very subtle smelling but seems to be very fruity smelling

Day: 79


I think tropical mirage is going to turn purple 🤔

a month ago


supremdoodl Could you take a look at my plant does it look underfed or anything like that, first time grower any advice helps


ganjasaur3 I looked at your cherry gelato journal . I would check out some different genetics and perhaps get on a nutrient blend , perhaps with an accompanying feed schedule. I use the brand called “Canna” they have a few different options and all feeding charts on the website. There are other brands and blends as well


supremdoodl Got it my man, anything else you wish you knew getting into growing?

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Day: 78


Really perked up from that feeding yesterday! Gsc 10th day of 12/12. Tm clone 16th day of 12/12

a month ago

Day: 77


Little thing going on with ogk still , just fed all of them today (heavy feeding ) see what that does I suppose

a month ago

Day: 76


Missed an entry however, all is going well ! little pruning on tm clone and Gsc

a month ago

Day: 74


All is well ,,, tm clone on 12 th day of 12/12 and Gsc is on 6th day of 12/12

a month ago

Day: 73


Pic 2,3 tm. Pic 4,5 ogk.

a month ago

Day: 72


Fed and did some lst/pruning on all of them. If anyone has any theory’s on the splotchy leaves please share … a few splotchy sites have shown on ogk

a month ago

wyattwelding101 I never had this problem with my OG kush, but I did have some curled leaves for almost the whole veg stage and seemed to figure itself out for flower maybe thinking that is a strain feature. I checked my book pretty thoroughly and I think it may be magnesium deficiency so maybe try epsom salt. "Magnesium problems generally start with old leaves first and show signs of yellowing between veins of the leaf moving outward. The leaf eventually curls upwards, hence the term "praying for magnesium". "

wyattwelding101 Potassium deficiency also could be a possibility but it normally affects new growth first before moving on to the older leaves, it also says with that deficiency will have curled brown tips, but the colors don't line up to that deficiency.


ganjasaur3 Interesting, I’ve been including the Fox farm calmag in the compost tea, maybe I’ll up the dose a little and see if that helps .

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Day: 71


Moving right along 🤙

a month ago

Day: 70


Took a couple clippings off of Gsc (pic5)today for the veg tent …. Ogk (pic 4) tm (pic2) tm clone (pic3)

a month ago

gugubabyy I love ur set up


ganjasaur3 Thank you!

Day: 69


Heavy feeding on the younger ladies and a light feeding for the big girls this time ph@5.79

a month ago

Day: 68


Transplanted Gsc from veg tent , first day 12/12 gsc also did lst and a light trim ….7 day of 12/12 for tm clone (Lst and light trim on tm clone as well ,,,,…3rd week flower for tm mother and ogk mother

a month ago

Day: 67


Fed all three today (they split a gallon) also added in a brand new co2 dispersement system for them

a month ago

Day: 66


Little defoliation today

a month ago

Day: 65


All good!

a month ago

Day: 64


Pic 1) tropical mirage top right,og kush bottom left &bottom right is tm clone on 3rd day of 12/12 (Pic 2) ogk (Pic 3) Tm

a month ago

Day: 63


Tightened some tie downs today!

2 months ago

Day: 62


Mark today as soil tm clones first day of 12 /12 growing along side her mother . Fed all three of these ladies today

2 months ago

Day: 61


Planning on feeding tomorrow

2 months ago

Day: 60


Lookin good I think !

2 months ago

Day: 59


Took very well to the lst !

2 months ago

wyattwelding101 Look super healthy great job keep it up!!


ganjasaur3 Thank you !

Day: 58


Lst and some defoliation, I’m thinking this is the last round of tie downs then on to the scrog

2 months ago

Day: 57



2 months ago

Day: 56


Pic 1 ogk bottom right and tropical mirage is top left . Pic 2,3 is ogk . Pic 4 Tropical Mirage, fed half gal each today

2 months ago

Day: 55


Going good…

2 months ago

wyattwelding101 Interested to see how your OG Kush turns out!

Day: 54


Taking well to the lst

2 months ago

Day: 53


It’s official I’m calling them flowers now it’s been almost 3 weeks of stretch so now about 10 ish weeks to go I think 🤔

2 months ago

Day: 52

Raised light elevation about a foot or so and increased power to 90%

2 months ago

Day: 51

Fed today , introduced a dry molasses top dress right before feeding , smelling good in the tent today !

2 months ago

bigo32 Adding any myco at all?


ganjasaur3 I believe the dry Molasses blend has some myco , they also get recharge every couple weeks

bigo32 Gotcha. Lookin good!

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Day: 50

Streeettcchhhiin day 16 of 12/12

2 months ago

Day: 49


Pic 3 ( OGK)….pic 2( Tropical Mirage ) Pic 1 TM⬇️OGK⬆️

2 months ago

Day: 48

Gave them a light feeding

2 months ago

Day: 47

Took well to the lst !

2 months ago

Day: 46

Really perked up from yesterdays feeding ! Day 12 of 12/12 ((((before and after pics of pruning and lst

2 months ago

Day: 45

Fed half gallon each today ,ph @ 5.56 with nute blend

2 months ago

Day: 44

May feed tomorrow ….

2 months ago

Day: 43

Stretching 🤌🏼

2 months ago

Day: 42

Took 2 cuttings from ogk and 1 cutting from tropical mirage , also tightened down some tie down points and weaved a couple lower branches through the cages

2 months ago


ignite_spark What are your thoughts on LST timing? Right now I’m just feeling it out on my first run.


ganjasaur3 If growth is going well I’ll start in the timing of somewhere In the realm of 25-35 days , truly depends on the nature of your specific strain/plant . I tend to start off with gentle bending and a slow increase in intensity of the bends every few days as well as working in some lollipoping and perhaps even trimming off big over taking fan leaves


ignite_spark Do you know of a comprehensive guide on lollipopping? Thanks!!

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Day: 41

Some brighter green tones shining through along with a new aroma

2 months ago

Day: 40

Got some gel put on a couple different future cuttings , redoing my clones a little differently

2 months ago

Day: 39

Lst, lil trimming , fed nutes ph @ 5.75. Starting to get a pungent scent to them already

2 months ago

Day: 38

Day 4 12/12

2 months ago

Day: 37

Day 3 12/12 was going to feed but decided to hold off another day or so

2 months ago

crackpebble Omg beautiful

Day: 36

Day 2 of 12/12 certainly bushing up , I tightened the strings on a couple tie points and weaved a few branches through the cages

2 months ago

Day: 35

First day of 12/12 + a co2 bag , hope they like it

2 months ago

Day: 34


Did some more lst today as well as trimming a very little bit off each plant , im going to change the light cycle this evening

2 months ago

Day: 33

Going strong I’m definitely leaning towards flipping

3 months ago

Day: 32

Going good , considering flipping to 12/12 here soon

3 months ago

Day: 31


Watered, Topped @ 7th node on each plant , as well as a lil lollipopping ( side note) ogk is straight purple color inside the stem I noticed while topping , very juicy rich purple tones

3 months ago

Day: 30


Still going strong , I’d say they are taking well to the Lst

3 months ago

Day: 29

A little Lst today and a light intensity increase of 30 % , light elevation raised 6 “

3 months ago

Day: 28

These ladies are loving the new big light 💡 I just ordered some C02 bags that hang up and supposedly release co2 on a steady output for a few months . Any of you other growers out there try them before ? I’d be interested to hear about your experience if so

3 months ago

Day: 27

Moved these girls over to tent #2 which I will switch to 12 /12 in another week or so. Also gave them water this morning and took a few cuttings , will be starting another journal for the clones

3 months ago

Patty Black

Patty Black Hey ganjasaur. I’m just curious about your wood frames around your pots. What do you use them for? Also what are you plant pots sitting on? Looks like they are sitting on something electrical? Thanks 🙏


ganjasaur3 The wood frames are just something I’m experimenting with for LST purposes (just raw pine frame with an organic teal oil finish on them ) solid tie off points and I may intertwine some lower branches through the frame . They are just sitting on a white rubberized mat ( the electric wires you see run to the fan and the probe you can see between the frames )

Patty Black

Patty Black Thanks!! I couldn’t figure out what they were on!!🤣

Day: 26


Got pistils showing on both of them , considering taking some cuttings tomorrow

3 months ago

Day: 25

Planning to start lst around day 30 if things keep going well and may be taking some cuttings as well

3 months ago

Day: 24

Remarkable growth !

3 months ago

Day: 23

I believe TM caught a minor case of windburn so we are taking a break from the fan , but other than that we are looking good!

3 months ago

Day: 22

Watered today, all is well👍

3 months ago


BobbyGrowMoBack Beautiful color very healthy. That’s those fat hairy white roots type of green.


ganjasaur3 Thank you friend !

Day: 21

I believe we are doing well

3 months ago

Day: 20


Remarkable growth !

3 months ago

Day: 19


3 months ago

Day: 18

A little cupping on ogk I believe due to humidity spike however TM handled it well and continues thriving

3 months ago

Day: 17

Well ogk decided to go full sidewinder on me , I guess it decided to perform its own lst …. Besides that they both got fed today , half gal each , ph @5.83

3 months ago

Day: 16

Lookin good 👍

3 months ago


ganjasaur3 Ogk is getting a little lean to it , appears the base of the stem is less girthy than further on up the trunk

Day: 15

Soaking it up !

3 months ago

Day: 14


Noticeable growth over night ! They must’ve enjoyed the nutes

3 months ago

Day: 13


Missed yesterday’s entry, however, babies got fed today (half gal each) ph @ 5.7 ( all organic nute blend)

3 months ago

Day: 11


Good growth !

3 months ago

Day: 10

All is well!

3 months ago

Day: 9


All good👍

3 months ago

Day: 8

Fed them some nutes today 👍

3 months ago

Day: 7

Gettin a lil taller!

3 months ago

Day: 6

All is well!

3 months ago

Day: 5

Babies got their first dose of tea today

3 months ago

Day: 4

Accidentally missed yesterdays entry , transplanted the baby’s to 3 gal fabric pots , ogk got a lil light burn in the seedling incubator but it will be alright . Big shoes to fill here ⛸️

3 months ago

Day: 2

Number 2 popped!

4 months ago

a Joe grow

a Joe grow The right looks like a possible mutation!?!


ganjasaur3 Perhaps 🤔

Day: 1

One popped !

4 months ago