
Noob 1st

Mixed seeds

Four OG Kush grown under LED in garage line with black plastic just transplanted from paper towel germinating method to small 4 inch plastic plant pots with five holes drilled in bottom for water runoff. Have lights on 18/6 light cycle 18” Using spray bottle to water lightly daily. Use miracle grow moisture control medium.

Og kush GTH

Day 90 (Week 13)

12 updates

52 photos

Day: 90

Harvested today hung to dry. Not much yield because I trimmed a lot off early but huge main colas!

5 years ago

Day: 77

Day 38 of flower. Switched at day 39

5 years ago

Day: 39

Lost one due to something falling on it. Got one flourishing and one either light burnt or nutrient burn. Moved light up. Flushed. Fixing to switch to 12/12 after going into 24 hour darkness beginning tomorrow.

5 years ago

Day: 15


Got a heat issue that needs ventilation. Weather supposed to cool off in next week or so that should help that. Just hope it didn’t send them in shock. Still 18/6 cycle. Soil still very moist

5 years ago


Mystrain420 Add Co2 and they love the high temps also it’s things u can use to make them more resistant to heat stress like kelp

JoeRoll Might seem like dumb question but being that I’m dumb on this whole situation I don’t care. How the best way to add CO2

Day: 10


Transplanted 3 best sprouts. Light is 28” above on 18/6 cycle. Watered heavily after transfer. Closed off garage to make a 4x8’ room.

5 years ago

Day: 8


3rd set of leaves really sprout out over night

5 years ago

Day: 7


Added soil to pots with taller main stem. Sprinkled 7 dust yesterday. Accidentally left flap open to entrance and were limited to 2 hours complete darkness

5 years ago

Day: 6


Started 2 additional seeds that germinated. Blue pot and green pot growing 3rd set of leaves with black pot growing barely. Whit pot is trailing with the new additions.

5 years ago

Day: 4


Blue pot looking good

5 years ago

Day: 3

Blue is one and a quarter inch. Green is 2 inches. Black is 3/4 of an inch. White is one inch. 18/6 cycle 6pm-12pm

5 years ago

JoeRoll Raise light 6 inches based on reviews on Amazon

Day: 2

Blue plant has come up great! Spray bottle water. Tested with pool test strips for pH and it said it was 6.2. Not sure what to do about that. No nutrients At this time

5 years ago

Day: 1

Let’s go!

5 years ago