

Fresh start Subirrigated

Punchberry Cookies and Candy Store RBX

4 seedlings added to the 4x8 tent RDWC lights dimmed to 60% Temp 22 humidity 67 42 gallons 2.5 grams per gallon A 1.5 grams per gallon B Cropsalt. Humidity domes mycorrhizae added underneath peat pods

Punchberry Cookies RBX and Candystore RBX

Day 5 (Week 1)

1 update

4 photos

Day: 5


I used gutter guards to stop any dirt from entering the RDWC. Poked extra holes with a golf tee.

4 years ago


WSPanic420 What did it ph at, I’m assuming extremely low dissolved solids?


doobie1knobi I’m using a torus hydro ph in-line filter. The roots won’t get into the water for 10-12 days most likely. Top feeding water ph at 5.8