
Mephisto run + Amnesia OG

Sep 2020

Two Ghost Tooth and one Amnesia OG(regular fem) under 250w MH/HPS in a very small 1,3x2 (40x60cm) box two bathroom vents to pushing fresh air in one air extractor (187m3/h double of the air pushed in) inside the box i have a clip fan and a 6 liter humidifier. The 2 Ghost Tooth are planted in a 2 gallon (8l) fabric(final pot) pot using Light Mix from BIOBIZZ soil, the Amnesia OG is in a small 0.2 gallon(1liter) pot also in Light Mix.

Ghost Tooth Mephisto Genetics Amnesia OG from old ams grower friend

Day 13 (Week 2)

5 updates

15 photos

Day: 13


Added a mars hydro ts 600 😃

4 years ago

Day: 11

Looks like I have 2 different phenos and i’m aonhappy!!

4 years ago

Day: 9

Day 9 everything good temps and UR are perfect, finally summer is over and temps are dropping so i’m pretty happy to start with indoor and to get some extra resin and violet shades on my outdoor guerrilla. Crazy difference on growth speed between the 2 autos and the regular. One of the ghost tooth has something funny mutation?

4 years ago

Day: 2


Everything as expected temps and UR are very stable the AmnesiaOG has sprouted joining the sisters.

4 years ago

Day: 1

Very fast germination for the 2 Mephisto seeds 24h in water 12h in paper towel and i had already 3cm roots planted and sprouted during the night the Amnesia is a little bit slower but is coming along, i can see the seed pushing the soil. Temps are between 70/80f (22/27c) and UR between 60%-80% with a 18/6 light cycle.

4 years ago