
Backyard Grow 5gal + ground


Free seeds from coworker. Unsure the strain. Started quite late.


Day 147 (Week 21)


10 updates

20 photos

Day: 147

Harvested potted plant that was topped. Will be drying in the tent. Still need to harvest the one in the ground.

a year ago

Day: 139


27c today. Watered in the evening. Going to cool down in the next couple days & rain

a year ago

jarjar123 I need that lmao here in Fort Wayne Indiana 🪬

Day: 133


Plants are doing well. Finishing up soon

a year ago

Day: 115


08:50 - topdressed with 2-8-4. Just water after this

a year ago

Day: 113


19:20 - removed lower branches and some fan leaves to hopefully reduce the PM. Has been very humid and wet in the mornings.

a year ago

Day: 99


13:46 - plants looking good after the rain recently

a year ago

Day: 96


Both plants are doing well in flower. Will probably remove some lower growth soon and thinned out some of the chia surrounding them.

a year ago

Day: 90


Day 89: Topdressed with 3:1 power bloom to all purpose. Watered a bit. Day 90: Flower is starting ti show itself. Raining today, won’t need to water for a couple days. Will then start adding molasses.

a year ago

Day: 74

Turned out to be a male. Swapped with one of my other plants that was in a 1 gal pot.

a year ago

Day: 57

18:30 - topped at 4th node. Repotted 8 days ago (July 5) in gaia living soil with 3:1 all purpose to power bloom.

a year ago