
White widow auto.


24 hrs of light Water every 3 days. Twice watered with nutrients twice with regular ph’d water. The fan leaves were big and wide but now they are small and some leaves are curling down. First auto. And I’m a beginner grower.

White widow

Day 77 (Week 11)

5 updates

19 photos

Day: 77

What you think

4 years ago


TwoScoops152 Looks delightful

jblchris Thanks my first auto seed.

fistimer Beautiful

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Day: 69


Am I doing ok.

4 years ago

Day: 60

This plant doesn’t smell and it’s getting yellow spots. It was a mystery strand. Anyone know possible reason for spots and how I could stop it.

4 years ago

Sweet & Sour Chicken

Sweet & Sour Chicken Well it might be low on bloom I would try feeding it mostly potassium and load up on phosphorus for every watering and of course cal mag

Sweet & Sour Chicken

Sweet & Sour Chicken Try flower fuel it’s on amazon really easy to use

buddudeblaster Ok thank you

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Day: 49



4 years ago

Day: 48

Not sure if I’m doing good or not I see some curling at the tip. The leaves were originally wider but now they look like this. Please leave advise.

4 years ago