My First Grow
Spring 2019
This is my first grow. I started with 12 seeds (5 SS, 5 WG, 1 Star Dawg & 1 Fruit Tree) 9 of them died so now all I have 3 left to salvage my first grow is 1 SS, 1WG, & 1 Star Dawg. I started my journal late so we’re skip Germination and go to Day 14 of the Seedling Stage.
Sunset Sherbet, Wedding Gelato, Star Dawg, Fruit Tree
Day 67 (Week 10)
7 updates
11 photos
Day: 67
I was overwatering like crazy so I cut back and got my nutrient mix together and here we are now. All I’m dealing is a cal mag deficiency which I’m working on now
6 years ago
Thunderturd253 What helped me with over watering and over feeding, is only giving it to them when they need it. Mine started smoothing out after that. Also let your soil dry up Atleast a knuckle deep.
CheechPurlington I got the over watering under control, one of them has a calcium deficiency but I think it’s improving, I’ll give an update in the next 5 days.
Day: 56
So my second grow died and I added one of the survivor to theses ones (Sour Cookie). They are still going strong even with my inexperience and laziness. I’ve been more attentive in the last week and don’t plan on letting up. My goal now is to rid the plants of the yellowing.
6 years ago
Dom13 Be careful not to overwater them... they look good but check the ph of the water as well in luck
OregonWeezy I second Dom’s comment. Yellowing can indicate over or under watering. Transferring them into a larger pot that breathes better may help them perk up and grow quicker as well. I use 5 gallon fabric pots so they drain when you water them and prevent drowning the plants.
Jayburnz Wow
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Day: 18
Day 18-Seedling (Wk3) Tue 04/06/19 10:37PM My Sunset Sherbet(blue) started to lean, I have it propped up on the marker. I figured the roots might not be as strong as they should so I started to water with Voodoo Juice and Roots Excelurator.
6 years ago
ClandestineWestOz I’d say they are stretching because your light may be too far away?
ClandestineWestOz Sorry I haven’t picked this up earlier for you. I blame the other thousand people that use this app too.
CheechPurlington I was told that, I moved the light closer a few days ago. Do you think that they will eventually strengthen enough to stand alone or are they dead?
Day: 14
Day 14-Seedling (Wk2) Tue 04/02/19 10:37PM Now that the leaning SS in the back has finally died, that leaves us with 1 SS, 1 WG, & 1 Star Dawg) I have high hopes for these three, they look pretty strong but only time will tell...
6 years ago
Day: 10
Day 10-Seedling (Wk1) Fri 3/29/19 7:14AM By this time it was only 4 left (2 SS, 1WG, & Star Dawg)
6 years ago
Day: 6
Day 3-Seedling (Wk1) Sun 3/24/19 8:19AM So I used this propagator in addition to the coco pellets to Germinate the seeds. When I transplanted them into the solo cups and put them in the propagator half of them died. I don’t know if it was ventilation (Too much/less) or what but I might stay away from the propagator for a while until I figure it out.
6 years ago
Day: 1
Day 1 (Germination) Wed 3/19/19 1:14PM I Germinated all 12 seeds in Coco Pellets, this was my first time using this method. It didn’t work for me, I have to study it more.
6 years ago