Crazy man
Just a footnote for whatever reason.
Lost my mind completely?
Day 3 (Week 1)
4 updates
7 photos
Day: 3

Unfortunately, because of my Raynauds or Sjogrens (can’t remember anymore which one or if it is both of them together), my body will freeze at pretty much anything below 55 degrees F.. and when I say freeze, I mean I can get frostbite at 45 degrees now. 🙀, anyhow, winter doesn’t want to let go of her grip up here, so I’m being pretty much forced to keep my arse in the house. We have a new sawmill coming in a few days, so I seriously hope it warms up a little by then. Hope everyone is doing great this morning, and for those of you in the USA, I hope you’ve received your stimulus money for this round. Take care until next time, and happy growing to you all!
4 years ago
Day: 0

This is my mode of transportation.
4 years ago
plantman As an additional footnote to this picture, you’ll note the numbers on the walls behind my chair....kind of an odd thing to have in your house, right? Well, my home is by no means your normal home. This picture is from inside what used to be the gym. See, my house is a former elementary school. 24,000 sq. Ft.. each kind has, what used to be a classroom for their bedroom. Each bedroom is 868 sq. Ft.. My wife turned the old gym into a combination living room/ dining room area. We even used to have a stage, but I walled it off from the rest of the gym, and now the stage area acts as the kids game room area with ping pong, pool table, XBOX on a 75 inch screen TVs, a couple of old arcade games like mortal combat, and some other stuff to keep them busy. The main hallway is 10 feet wide, so my wife used to have an electric golf cart for driving around in the house so she could haul the vacuum and cleaning supplies from room to room so each kids could keep their rooms clean. She also used it to haul dirty clothes to the laundry room. We got a great deal on the place too. $100,000 cash. With the building, we got nearly 18 acres of woods and trails, for the most part, a small private lake, as, other than our property, the rest of the lake is surrounded by State and Federal land, so we have the only access to the lake, thus, I’ll call it a private lake. We are out in the sticks. In fact, the closest town to us is about 30 miles away, so it help with lots of privacy. My wife half way jokes that the reason we are out in the middle of no where, is that, because of my old job, I don’t belong around people. 😂😂. Which is just fine with me! Ok, that’s enough of an update. Take care all!
mirorim That’s a really interesting place to live!
plantman It’s definitely different, but, as my wife had said, we have 7 kids, if we had bought a house, a 3-4 bedroom house would have cost us between $200-400,000, and then we would have had to add on to it, for a final price I wasn’t willing to pay. We got this place for $100,000 cash, and, the $200-400,000 plus house would never have come with this much property or a virtually private lake. It was impossible for me to ignore her logic.
Day: 0

This entire area of my posts is dedicated to my friends on here that have been asking how I’m doing these days, and what I’m up to. I’m not trying to be lazy here, but it is just a whole lot easier to update everyone at once, than to make a bunch of separate replies. My health is still in rough shape. I’m hoping I can post pics on here so you can see everything that is wrong with me from at least one of the medical facilities I go to. The cancers seem like they might be in remission right now, but can’t say for sure, as I’m not going to see any doctors or hospitals during COVID unless I absolutely have to.
4 years ago
plantman That’s a partial list from one facility. Doesn’t seem to want to let me do the other 2 pages.
GreenBoy From Alabama 🙏🏾ing for you brotha.. healing.. happiness and strength
plantman Thank you Sir
Day: 0

I have been trying to walk more and more recently. You know I’m not staying in that damn chair if I don’t absolutely have to! This year, Momma-Bear has decided to help push me to keep my mind off things. So, between her, me and the kids that are still at home, our goal is to try to build her a log cabin back on the property this year. It’s times like this that I’m happy I taught my kids how to use a chainsaw and drive a tractor! Anyhow, the other day, I sucked down a bunch of my morphine to the point I couldn’t really feel anything, and went to work on cutting down trees until my body finally said it had enough....
4 years ago
NorthernGrow204 Sounds like a great plan but a lot of work, that is a beautiful yard 👌 You are a great parent plantman
plantman Thanks, it helps to have great kids! 😊