Unknown Strain
Closet grow
4 unknown plants
Day 58 (Week 9)
4 updates
4 photos
Day: 58

6 years ago
Day: 32

Mother Nature been beating them the fuck up and they are still alive lol. Just topped a few days ago
6 years ago
T5TrialGrow Just transplanted one into a 5 gallon bucket, was looking pretty rootbound. Used some miracle grow outdoor performance soil for filler
Day: 13

2 weeks old today
6 years ago
MedicGreenSky These come from a grab bag/mystery seed pack? Or the more fun roulette grows where the seeds came from prior "samplings" with the surprise seed or two inside lol. First impression at the young age is either a "pure" indica (>75% indica trait dominant with ~20-25% stativa trait influence, it's unlikely any true heirloom strains actually still exist due to cross breeding). Dark green leafs with fat/short fingers is a big indica characteristic. They still really young though so I probably will have a better idea in a couple weeks. Looks great though!
Day: 11

Just getting their true leafs
6 years ago