
First griw

Winter 2019

2 blue Misti I plants 2 weeks apart 4x4 tent

Blue mystic

Day 58 (Week 9)

10 updates

27 photos

Day: 58


Day 6 in flower looking good bounced back very well from lollypoping and the switch just in cruise control now.

5 years ago

Day: 52

Switched them I to flower. The soil has been recommended with all purpose 444 also some back guano and mycorrhizae. First day of flower here we go.

5 years ago

Dazz82 Can’t you bend the branches under your net ?

Day: 48

Going to trim water at 6.0 flipping them to flower Saturday

5 years ago

Day: 44


Some real light shots

5 years ago

Day: 43

Plants first trellis is up looking good gonna wait for plant number 2 to catch up before letting stretch.

5 years ago

Day: 39

Plants doing good got to get a trellis in

5 years ago

Day: 37

Moved smaller plant over under the 1200 light instead of the 1000 doing good

5 years ago

Day: 36


Plant is growing like it should supercropped a little to hard on a couple of smaller branches still airing to bounce back but over all looking good

5 years ago

Day: 34

Plants looking good after there super cropping yesterday

5 years ago

Day: 33


Plants are on a 18/6 light cycle plant 1 is around 2 and a half foot tall plant 2 is around 18 inches

5 years ago