Purple PineBerry
Day 12
This is a very good strain it has a THC content around 19-22% and CBD levels of 1-1.5%
Purple PineBerry
Day 15 (Week 3)
2 updates
2 photos
Day: 15

Sorry I haven’t been posting much but here is day 15. Should I give her and her little buddies any nutrients now or ?
4 years ago
Sweet & Sour Chicken No nutrients right now just keep watering when soil is dry or cup or pot feels light
Andy Okay okay thank you so much 😊
Sweet & Sour Chicken Yes no problem also I would transplant into a larger pot with stronger soil like fox farm ocean forest once the plant is larger. I usually transplant at 2-3 weeks still no nutrients
Day: 12

They are growing very beautiful this is my first time growing any tips ?
4 years ago
combatmedic81 Lower or increase your light, they are stretching
Andy @combatmedic81 thanks I’ll lower the light for them