
HGC1-Critical Northern Lights

Started 8/29/2020

Started via seed from Homegrown Cannabis Company

Critical Northern Lights

Day 55 (Week 8)

6 updates

6 photos

Day: 55

Plant is beginning to flower

4 years ago

Day: 7

Gelato is currently 3” tall and CNL is currently 2.5” tall

4 years ago

Zillion What kind of nutrients do you plan on using?

Day: 5

Both plants have doubled in size again over night. Both plants are measuring in at 2”.

4 years ago

Day: 4

CNL has doubled in size and is currently 1” tall. Gelato has also broken dirt. It’s just under 1” tall

4 years ago

Day: 3

The Northern Lights seedling has sprouted and measures 1/2” tall. Soil was somewhat dry, watered approximately 1/4 cup of bottled water. Gelato hasn’t broken dirt yet.

4 years ago

Day: 1

Fresh seeds planted on 8/29/2020. Planted one CNL and one GEL seed. Light is set for 24hrs of consistent light. Watered until soil was wet.

4 years ago