
First grow

Purple afgan and trainwreck

Closet grow

Purple afgan and trainwreck

Day 50 (Week 8)

9 updates

9 photos

Day: 50


5 years ago

Day: 43

Trimmed up purple Afghan on the right train wreck on left and topped it a couple of days ago....also got one of my dads plants, started in a simple hydro setup, then switched to soil and outdoor time, which mine is opposite schedule..... needless to say it’s pretty and I’m curious on it

5 years ago

Day: 36

Topped yesterday, purp on left, train on right

5 years ago

Day: 28

Note, don’t use fox farm on early stage, slight nutrient burn

5 years ago

Day: 18

Same stuff, gets a little hot lately

5 years ago

Day: 13

Added two fans transplanted into different pot , temperature is around 80 on a fan gauge

5 years ago

Day: 6

2inches tall , rain water, fox farms soil,lights are 19 inches from plants

5 years ago

Day: 3

Sprouted, using rain water

5 years ago

Day: 1

Just germinated and stuck in soil

5 years ago