
AutoFlower Dinafem

So it Begins

3 Dinafem White Widow XXL Autoflowers In a 3x2x6 Vivosun Tent Under a Meizhi 450W Reflector Series Vader - (mine) 3Gal fabric pot Freya - (the wife’s) 3Gal fabric pot Android 18 - (our experimental plant) Grown in CoCo Coir Using Gaia Green organic 444 & 284 Big Bud & Bud Candy

WhiteWidow XXL Autoflower

Day 59 (Week 9)

5 updates

15 photos

Day: 59

The plant is just past 8weeks flower and it’s ready for 24hr of darkness !

5 years ago

Day: 13


Currently under 20/4 450W Meizhi

6 years ago

Day: 10


Starting to see more growth

6 years ago

Day: 7


Day 7 from germination .

6 years ago

Day: 0

Mine “Vader” left & the wife’s “Freya” on the right

6 years ago