

Summer 2020

My first time growing and a new and very enjoyable hobby!


Day 133 (Week 19)

39 updates

104 photos

Day: 133

Harvest time!!!!!

4 years ago

Day: 133


4 years ago

Day: 127

Really thinking about harvesting but I also feel like something is telling me to wait a bit longer

4 years ago

Day: 113

She’s looks beautiful! She’s almost ready for harvest, I know I’m ready!

4 years ago

Day: 108


I think she is either ready for harvest or she’s just about there

4 years ago

Day: 106


She looks like she’s doing great, buds look like they’re still growing. She’s just over 7 weeks into flowering so I know harvest is right around the corner. I’m very excited!

4 years ago

Day: 103

Moved her inside and gave her some Miracle Grow today, I hope I don’t hurt her. She looks beautiful!

4 years ago

Day: 97


I trimmed all her yellow leaves off today, so she looks so much better now. She’s beautiful and them flowers are looking great!

4 years ago

Day: 96


Been giving her 2 gallons of water a day, I hope I’m not over doing it. I think I’m gonna trim all the yellow leaves off tomorrow. According to the internet, she’s almost ready for harvest and the yellowing is most likely natural. I hope so, her buds aren’t anywhere near as big as they should be but I did start her 2 months late. I also sprayed her down really good with water tonight. Enjoy the pictures!

4 years ago

Day: 94

She’s slowly yellowing but at least the buds are slowly getting big. She’s always looks so beautiful to me 😍

4 years ago

Day: 90

She’s seemed like she’s stopped growing and is mainly focusing on her flowers. Her yield may not be huge since I started her a little late but she’s still beautiful

4 years ago

Day: 87


She keeps looking more and more beautiful every day. Gave her a good watering this morning

4 years ago

Day: 84


She’s looking so beautiful. Took some close up pics of her buds and I measured her today and she’s 4 feet tall exactly!

4 years ago

Scottysmokealot2020 Hey anyone in Ohio like southeast have clones for sale??

Day: 81


She’s looking more and more beautiful by the day and flowers are growing in nice

4 years ago

Day: 78


Measured her today and she’s just shy of 47 inches tall. She got a nice little rain shower for about 45 minutes too. I finally got me some more rain water, rain water is what I prefer. I try to keep her all natural the most I can besides the Miracle Grow I fed her for about a month and a half. Keep growing strong and beautiful my love!!!! Lol

4 years ago

Day: 76


Just measured her and she’s 3’ 3” tall and her flowers are looking better and better by the day. I also gave her the last bit of Miracle Grow. She’s looking so beautiful ❤️

4 years ago

Day: 73


I’m moved her to a better place, it’s about to storm out and I’m gonna see how she does with it

4 years ago

Day: 69

Just updating the photo, she’s slowly getting bigger, she’s strong and beautiful

4 years ago

Day: 68

She’s looking beautiful like always 😁. I measured her yesterday and she’s around 27” tall, just over 2 ft. I still give her Miracle Grow every so often even through a spray bottle now.

4 years ago

Day: 63

She’s getting big and more beautiful by the day!!!! Slowed down on the Miracle Grow. I may give her some tomorrow

4 years ago

Day: 60

Got her transplanted to a 5 gallon bucket today and now it’s getting a light warm rain outside. Definitely looking good

4 years ago

Day: 52

Looks beautiful! More 7 finger leaves growing in. The very bottom leaves are getting brown spots on them but the rest look great. Gave her another watering with Miracle Grow. She flourishing. Can’t wait to see the bud she’s gonna produce!

4 years ago

Day: 51

I know for sure that it’s over 12” tall and according to my research it’s an Indica Strain and it’s a female and it also should be just starting it’s flowering stage. I may give it another watering with Miracle Grow either today or tomorrow. I will update again soon

4 years ago

Day: 48

The newest leaves growing in at the top have 7 fingers, they started off with just 3, then 5, and now 7 finally! I’m so happy for how beautiful and strong it’s been growing. Gave it is second watering with Miracle Grow. So far so good!

4 years ago

Day: 47

It looks so much better today! I think it was starting to miss the sun, luckily it came out today. I also measured it and it 11 3/4” tall. Almost to a foot! 😁

4 years ago

Day: 46

Gave it it’s first dose of Miracle Grow this past Tuesday, which was 2 days ago from this picture. It’s rained a lot here lately so it got more water than I wanted it to have. I think that’s why it’s a little droopy today. Hopefully it’ll look better tomorrow!

4 years ago

Day: 43

It may be around 12” tall by now and the leaves look beautiful. Lookin like a male to me with only 5 finger shade leaves. It’s still beautiful though

4 years ago

Day: 39

It’s looking beautiful, around 8” y’all. Got it inside cause it’s about to storm really bad and I think it’s still too young to be out in strong thunderstorms

4 years ago

Day: 37

It looks beautiful, the most fingers it’s grown on each leaf has been up to only 5. I’m still hoping to see 7!!!!

4 years ago

Day: 32

It’s around 10” tall and it’s still looking great for being grown all natural

4 years ago

Day: 29

Only 3 leaves per share leaf but it still looks beautiful to me!

4 years ago

Day: 27

It’s looking so beautiful ❤️

4 years ago

Day: 22

Why are the new leaves folding up like that????

4 years ago

Day: 21

She looking great!

4 years ago

Day: 20

It’s looking so beautiful today!!!!

4 years ago

Day: 19

A little over 2 inches tall now and still growing strong! Just morning and evening sunlight and all natural soil and watered with rain water

4 years ago

Day: 18

Looking beautiful! Kept it inside most of the day cause the sun and heat is pretty harsh out. Stay strong and beautiful for daddy!!!! Lol

4 years ago

Day: 17

It’s getting bigger!

4 years ago

Day: 16

Around 1 1/2 inches tall and a small brown spot on each feeding leaf it’s had since it surfaced

4 years ago